- Aesthetic Education of Tourism 论旅游的美育使命
- The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times. 46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
- The second part of this paper mainly discussed Lhe aesthetic education of watercolor. 文章的第二部分主要论述的是水彩艺术的审美与教学。
- Objective To study the essentiality of aesthetic education of stomatology for orthodontic postgraduates. 摘要目的探讨口腔正畸学研究生进行口腔医学美学教育的必要性。
- The aesthetic education of schiler mainly referred to art education, while the aesthetic revolution of Marcuse chiefly talk about the art revolution. 席勒的审美教育主要指艺术教育,马尔库塞的审美革命则主要指艺术革命。
- This article analyses the present development of music and aesthetic education of the culture quality education in universities, and puts forward feasible proposal to strengthen the music and aesthetic education. ? 文章分析了目前我国高校文化素质教育中的音乐美育教育的发展现状,并对加强高校的音乐美育教育提出了可行性建议。
- Roles of aesthetic education in P.E. 审美教育在体育教学中的地位不容忽视。
- undergraduate education of tourism 本科旅游教育
- The Aesthetic Education of Essays in Chinese Course 语文课堂中的散文审美教学
- The status of tourism in Tibet's economy is rising. 旅游业在西藏国民经济中的地位日趋提高。
- The Aesthetic Education of Chinese Teaching 语文教学的审美教育
- The minister of tourism opended the new hotel . 那家新饭店是旅游局长宣布正式开业的。
- Aesthetic education of music teaching 音乐教学中的审美教育
- Case Studies of Tourism Planning II. 旅游区规划与策划案例2。
- The minister of tourism opened the new hotel . 那家新饭店是旅游局长宣布正式开业的。
- the aesthetic education of nursing care 护理美育
- Added value ratio of tourism is 50%. 旅游业增加值率为50%25;
- aesthetic education of literature 文学美育
- The minister of tourism opened the new hotel. 那家新饭店是旅游局长宣布正式开业的。
- Design and develop of tourism souvenir. 旅游纪念品的设计与开发。