- Aerides odoratan. 香花指甲兰
- The chemical composition of the floral essential oil of Aglaia odorata Lour. 研究了树兰(Aglia odorata Lour.;)
- A tropical Asian tree(Cananga odorata) having fragrant greenish-yellow flowers that yield an oil used in perfumery. 依兰亚洲的一种热带树(依兰依兰属),开有芳香的绿黄色花,可从中提取香精油,用在香水中
- Studies on Repelling Activity of Extracts from Chromolaena Odorata L. Against Plutella Xylostella L. 飞机草提取物对小菜蛾产卵驱避活性的研究。
- Acclimation of Photosynthesis to Growth Light Intensity in Chromolaena odorata L. And Gynura sp. 飞机草和兰花菊三七光合作用对生长光强的适应。
- A tropical Asian tree(Cananga odorata)having fragrant greenish - yellow flowers that yield an oil used in perfumery. 依兰亚洲的一种热带树(依兰依兰属),开有芳香的绿黄色花,可从中提取香精油,用在香水中
- Extraction and Identification of Volatile Constituents in the Flowers of Aglaia odorata Lour. 树兰花挥发性成分的提取及鉴定。
- Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Cedrela, especially C. odorata, having reddish aromatic wood used for cabinetwork and cigar boxes. 西印度香椿:任一种洋椿属植物,尤指产于热带美洲的香洋椿属植物,木材芳香,呈淡红色,用作橱柜材料或雪茄烟盒材料
- Twenty-seven chemicals from the Aglaia Odorata were separated and identified,in which the context of terpenoids is relatively high. 从米兰花中分离确定了27种主要成分,其中萜类物质含量相对较高。
- The fatty acids in Oenothera odorata Jacq seed oil have been separated and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and twenty kinds of fatty acids have been detected. 利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对夜来香种子油中的脂肪酸(经甲酯化后)进行分离和定性,共鉴定出二十种脂肪酸。并用归一化法确定出各成分在夜来香种子油中的相对含量。对所得的结果进行了讨论。
- Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) - Inhaled: sedative. Good for high blood pressure and insomnia. On skin: Rub on scalp to stimulate hair growth. Sweet scent, use as perfume. 依兰依兰(依兰、伊兰)吸入:镇静(镇静剂)。治疗高血压和失眠功效卓越。用在皮肤:按摩头皮可刺激头发成长。气味香甜,可作为香水用途。
- Other alcohol extracts such as those of Annona squamosa L, Cananga odorata (Lamk.), Mitrephora thorelii Pierre also showed a good repellence effect with their IIPC below 0.3. 就各种植物乙醇提取物对小菜蛾各龄幼虫的拒食作用来说,番荔枝提取物的拒食作用比其它另外四种提取物的拒食率高。
- any orchid of the genus Aerides. 指甲兰属的任何一种兰花。
- Viola odorata L. [医] 香堇菜
- Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda,especially R. odorata,widely cultivated for its terminal,dense,spikelike clusters of very fragrant but inconspicuous greenish flowers. 木犀草一种地中海沿岸的木犀草属植物,尤指香味木犀草因其顶生、密集、总状花序的极具香味但不显眼的绿色花而被广泛栽植。
- Aglaia odorata L. 树兰花
- Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda, especially R. odorata, widely cultivated for its terminal, dense, spikelike clusters of very fragrant but inconspicuous greenish flowers. 木犀草一种地中海沿岸的木犀草属植物,尤指香味木犀草因其顶生、密集、总状花序的极具香味但不显眼的绿色花而被广泛栽植
- A tropical South American tree (Dipteryx odorata) having pulpy, egg-shaped, one-seeded pods and fragrant seeds used as a substitute for vanilla and for flavoring tobacco and candies. 零陵香豆:一种热带南美树木,(零陵香豆零陵香豆属)有多汁、蛋形、结一个籽的豆英和带香味的种子,用作香草、调味香烟和糖果的替代物
- Cananga odorata forma macrophylla 大花大叶种依兰
- Trentepohlia odorata var. odoratan. 芬芳橘色藻原变种