- The effect of C is large for aerial image segmentation and classification. 航空影像纹理分类和分割对常数C敏感;
- A LLL image simulation scheme is proposed oriented to daytime aerial image. 并在此基础上,提出了基于日间航拍图像的微光图像仿真方案。
- LLL image simulation scheme is proposed oriented to daytime aerial image. 并在此基础上,提出了基于日间航拍图像的微光图像仿真方案。
- Results of the adaptive algorithm used for contaminated aerial image is satisfactory. 利用本文所得到的自适应算法对一幅含有噪声的航拍图像进行边缘检测实验,结果令人满意。
- Combining the three methods, the moving vehicles in aerial image sequence can be detected and located precisely. 结合这3种方法,可以对航拍图像序列中的运动目标快速准确地检测与定位。
- The aerial image qualities of depth of focus (DOF) and optical proximity effect are simulated with the lithography simulation software PROLITH. 利用光刻仿真软件PROLITH,进行了掩模版空间成像的焦深(DOF)和光学临近效应的仿真。
- This paper proposes an affine invariant feature construction method, and fulfills automatic registration of aerial image sequence using this feature. 提出一种仿射不变特征的构造方法对航空图像序列进行全自动配准。
- This paper proposes that the SVM is used in the aerial image texture classification and image segmentation. The results of SVM with mutli-nonlinear features are good . 提出将支持向量机用于航空影像的纹理分类与影像分割中,在对多种线性不可分的特征进行分类时,用SVM方法得到了较好的分割与分类结果。
- In this paper,an automatic extraction method for road network from high-definition aerial image is presented. The recommended input in this method is merely the color image. 提出了一种从高清晰的航拍图像中自动地提取出道路网络的方法;要求的输入仅仅是彩色航拍图像.
- The shadow regions in aerial image provide not only obvious evidences of objects higher than the surrounding background, but also obstructions for objects recognition. 航空影像中的阴影区域既提供了高大物体存在的证据,也为物体识别带来了困难。
- Aerial photography is the main information source of remote sensing and military reconnaissance. The sufficiency and accuracy of acquired information can be directly affected by aerial image quality. 航空摄影是遥感和军事侦察的主要信息源,航空图像质量的好坏直接决定着所获取信息的充分性和准确性。
- A comprehensive survey on deformable model is presented from three aspects including geometry representation,image potential and optimization method,and its application on medical image,face feature and aerial image is also given. 从几何表达,图像势能及优化方法三个方面对基于可变形模型的轮廓提取的理论研究及进展进行了综述,并介绍了其在医学图像、脸部特征以及航空影像等方面的应用研究。
- Although more of a "policy weapon" at this time, it shows that the Chinese military can threaten the imaging reconnaissance satellites operated by the United States, Japan, Russia, Israel and Europe. 尽管此时这种武器可能只作为一种政治筹码出现,它表明了中国军方能够威胁到美国、日本、俄罗斯、以色列和欧洲各国的间谍卫星。
- The shadow regions in aerial image provide lots of information about the appearance, relative position and surface feature of object, and they are the obvious evidences of objects higher than the surrounding background. 航空图像中的阴影区域可以提供大量的关于目标形状、相对位置、表面特性、高度的相关信息,本文首先对阴影的特征进行了研究,认为阴影对图像的影响是使所投射地表的表面光照强度降低,但不改变原有地表,目标表面的光照特征,如纹理特征及光照强度方向统计特征等。
- In this dissertation, focused on the aerial image matching based terrain data acquisition and DEMs based digital terrain analysis, some theory, approach and key technical problem of digital terrain modeling are discussed. 本论文围绕着数字地形模拟的相关理论方法和关键技术问题进行了讨论,其中重点研究了基于航空遥感影像的地形数据获取和基于DEM的数字地形分析问题。
- A new approach for road centerline semi-automatic extraction from aerial images is proposed. 摘要提出了一种新的从航空影像上提取道路中心线的半自动方法。
- By determination of aerial image orientation and DTM, we can update the existing orthoimage.And the accuracy of experience result is equal to the accuracy of digital photogrammetry. 藉由此方式,求定了该航摄影像的外方位最或是值之后,再配合DTM资料,来进行该地区的正射影像更新,并且其结果可达到与一般数值航测作业相同之之精度要求。
- Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets. 空中照相侦察空中照相侦察,尤指军事目的的
- This investigation integrates 2D maps, LIDAR data, and aerial images for building modeling.This research handles flat, gable, and cambered roofs. 本研究以资讯融合的方式,结合向量图、光达以及航照资料,重建三维建物模型。
- Experiment results on aerial images show good segmentation quality, and time consuming is cut down to as only 1.8% as that of the traditional method. 在遥感高分辨率图像上的实验显示,该算法不仅能准确搜索到最优阈值对,而且计算时间只有传统算法的1.;8%25。