- Implementation of Administrative Licensing Act and the Transition of Government Management 《行政许可法》与政府管理转型
- Administrative Licensing Act 行政许可行为
- The Liquor and Gambling Commissioner is responsible for administering the Liquor Licensing Act. 酒类及赌博管理委员会是负责‘酒类许可法’的行政部门。
- A written administrative licensing decision shall contain the date of decision and shall bear the seal of the CNTA. 行政许可书面决定应当载明作出决定的时间,并加盖国家旅游局印章。
- Law of Administrative Licensing and deepen the reform of administrative approval system . 认真贯彻行政许可法,深化行政审批制度改革。
- The persons related to the administrative licensing item may apply for attending the hearing. 与该行政许可事项有关的人员可以申请参加听证。
- An applicant that entrusts an agent to file an application for administrative licensing shall submit a power of attorney. 申请人依法委托代理人提出行政许可申请的,应当提交授权委托书。
- Article 9 The CNTA will uniformly implement the administrative licensing in its own name within the statutory power limit. 第九条国家旅游局在法定权限内,以本部门的名义统一实施行政许可。
- No internal organ or representative office of the CNTA may independently implement the administrative licensing in its own name. 国家旅游局内设机构和派出机构不得以各自的名义独立实施行政许可。
- The branch institutions of the PBC shall not authorize any other administrative organ to implement the administrative licensing. 中国人民银行分支机构不得委托其他行政机关实施行政许可。
- Administrative Licensing Law stipulates, among other things has its own content, and the principles of a clear legal responsibility. 行政许可法有其规定的事项内容、原则和明确的法律责任。
- Article 6 No unjustifiable requirement may be added to those statutory conditions for the implementation of administrative licensing. 第六条实施旅游行政许可,不得在法定条件之外附加任何不正当要求。
- In case of serving an administrative licensing decision by public announcement, an accepting institution shall announce the decision in the CIRC's official website or newspapers. 受理机构应当通过机关网站或者报纸,公告送达。
- Abstract: The promulgation and implementation of the Administrative Licensing Law of the times is the development of China's legal system and an inevitable requirement. 摘要:行政许可法的颁布实施是时代发展和我国法制建设的必然要求。
- The departments of legal affairs of the PBC and its branch institutions shall be responsible for the hearing and supervision of administrative licensing. 中国人民银行及其分支机构的法律事务部门负责行政许可的听证、监督。
- The legal affairs department of the PBC or its branch institutions shall supervise and inspect the administrative licensing matters handled by this bank. 中国人民银行及其分支机构的法律事务部门应当对本行办理的行政许可事项进行监督检查。
- Apart from state secrets, business secrets or personal privacy, the implementation and the result of the customs administrative licensing shall be open. 海关行政许可的实施和结果,除涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私的外,应当公开。
- If any applicant requests to make explanations on the conditions for maritime administrative licensing, the maritime administrative organ shall give explanations. 申请人要求对海事行政许可条件予以说明的,海事管理机构应当予以说明。
- The branch institutions of the PBC shall, within the scope of functions authorized by the PBC, implement the administrative licensing in accordance with the law. 中国人民银行分支机构应当在中国人民银行授权范围内依法实施行政许可。