- Addison rs keloid 阿狄森氏瘢痕瘤
- Addison rs anemia 阿狄森氏贫血, 恶性贫血
- Alibert rs keloid 阿利贝尔氏瘢痕瘤
- Addison rs disease 阿狄森氏病, 慢性肾上腺皮质机能减退症
- Much might be said on both sides (Joseph Addison). 对双方都应该再强调一下(约瑟夫 阿迪森)
- W: Good morning. I'm here to see Mr. Addison. 上门拜访用语。
- Where do you rank Addison as an essayist ? 你把阿狄森列为哪一类散文家?
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- Where do you rank Addison as an essayist? 你把阿狄生列为哪一类散文家?
- MethodsThe human keloid fibroblasts were cultured in vitro. 成纤维细胞是瘢痕形成的效应细胞,是研究的重点。
- Sale of goods which have been used by the selle rs. (八)销售的自己使用过的物品。
- The wood neighbo(u)rs upon the lake. 树林邻近湖。
- "I will be open and sincere with you" (Joseph Addison). “我将坦率而真诚地待你” (约瑟夫·艾迪生)
- Young Addison had a strong aspiration to be an inventor. 年幼的爱迪生渴望成为一名发明家.
- "I will be open and sincere with you"(Joseph Addison). “我将坦率而真诚地待你”(约瑟夫·艾迪生)
- The robber rs hands were tied behind his back. 那个强盗被五花大绑捆起来。
- "Much might be said on both sides" (Joseph Addison). “对双方都应该再强调一下” (约瑟夫·阿迪森)
- The dog rs fur was matted with blood. 那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。
- They waited for Owen rs arrival. 他们等待欧恩的到来。
- Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective. Gary Nutt. Addison Wesley. 操作系统:现代观点,第二版。影印,人民邮电。