- Add Code Template 添加代码模板
- Add code to your Web Forms page to load the template using the LoadTemplate method. 向Web窗体页中添加代码以使用LoadTemplate方法加载模板。
- Source code template for A251/A51 assembler modules. A51汇编模块的源代码模板。
- Add code manually to handle UI events. 手工加代码处理UI事件.
- CZ02 The Code Template has been hidden by General Heinz. CZ02密码模板由海因茨上将保管。
- TODO: Add code here to start your service. 开始服务时初始化手机。
- Add code as shown in the following example. 如下面的示例所示添加代码。
- Add code to run when the user-defined function is executed. 添加执行用户定义函数时运行的代码。
- You can add code to the page that responds to this click event. 您可以将代码添加到响应此Click事件的页面。
- Then you add code to create an array and add the values to it. 添加代码以创建数组并向数组中添加值。
- According to the database schema information and customized code template, code is built for business logic layer. 本文叙述根据数据库架构信息和定制的代码模板自动生成业务逻辑层代码的实现方法。
- You can easily combine Listings 3 and 5 to make a generic code template handler. 您可以轻松地将清单3和清单5组合起来,获得一个通用代码模板处理器。
- Binding a code template to an operation in a pattern will cause that code to be generated when the code and model are synchronized. 在模式中,当代码和模式同步时,把代码模板绑定到一个操作,便会生成相应代码。
- Adds code to check object types at run time. 添加代码以在运行时检查对象类型。
- Your upgraded project has the new project structure, but your code stays in the original code file that was based on the earlier project code template. 升级后的项目已具有新的项目结构,但代码依然在基于早期项目代码模板的原始代码文件中。
- Add code to determine whether you can process any unknown SOAP headers. 添加代码以确定您是否可以处理任何未知SOAP头。
- Add code to save data within the using statement that contains the transaction. 添加代码以在包含事务的using语句内保存数据。
- Next, we'll add code to the project to implement the XML Web service. 接着,向项目中添加代码来实现XML Web Service。
- You need to add code to do what you need to do with this data. E. G. 你需要添加代码来处理这些数据。
- You will add code later in the walkthrough to emulate a data source. 在本演练的稍后部分中将添加代码来模拟数据源。