- Acute vascular insufficiency of intestine 急性肠血管供血不足
- Acute vascular insufficiency 急性血管功能不全
- An assessment using a hand held Doppler can be useful to detect whether there is peripheral vascular insufficiency. 手提式多普勒仪器有助于发现是否存在外周血管供应不足。
- acute mesenteric vascular insufficiency 急性肠系膜血管机能不全
- The diabetic neuropathies is a well-known complication of diabetes.It s pathogenesis is very complex.Excess glucose and vascular insufficiency is the main reason. 糖尿病性神经病变是糖尿病常见的并发症,其病理机制非常复杂,高血糖和微血管病变是其主要的发病机制。
- Objective To value the importance of the two way catheter in internal jugular as acute vascular access in hemodialysis. 目的 评价应用单针双腔静脉留置导管建立临时血管通路在急性肾衰及尿毒症诱导期进行血液透析的临床效果。
- By immunofluorescence, antibody to IgG is seen highlighting the vascular walls in this heart with acute vascular rejection. 通过免疫荧光法,发生急性血管排斥反应的心脏血管壁可见高亮度的IgG抗体。
- This is acute vascular rejection in a heart transplant.The inflammatory reaction consists mostly of lymphocytes and is seen mainly around small arteries, a vasculitis. 心脏移植后急性血管排斥反应.;炎症反应存在大量的淋巴细胞;主要围绕在小动脉周围;成为血管炎。
- Alimentary tract pain due to vascular insufficiency 消化道痛致血管供血不足
- Accommodation being a state between rejection and tolerance had obtained widespread attention, and been considered to take as a pathway to overcome acute vascular rejection (AVR) in xenotransplantation. 适应作为介于排斥和耐受之间的一种状态得到大家广泛的关注,并将其作为克服急性血管性排斥反应(acutevascular rejection,AVR)的一个途径。
- Vascular insufficiency of intestine 肠血管功能不全
- Mesenteric vascular insufficiency 肠系膜血管供血不足
- Chronic vascular insufficiency of intestine 慢性肠血管供血不足
- peripheral vascular insufficiency 周围血管功能不全, 周围血管闭锁不全
- The patient is complaining of acute earache. 病人说耳部剧痛。
- It's acute appendicitis. We ought to operate. 这是急性阑尾炎。应当开刀。
- This area has an acute shortage of water. 这个地方缺水严重。
- She complained of acute pains in her chest. 她自诉胸部剧痛。
- He fell ill with acute appendicitis. 他得了急性阑尾炎。
- He is a man of acute intelligence. 他非常聪颖。