- Acute shortage of sth. 严重缺乏。。。
- This area has an acute shortage of water. 这个地方缺水严重。
- There is an acute shortage of water. 水严重短缺。
- There is an acute shortage of water in this region. 这个地区严重缺水。
- The long draught caused acute shortage of water. 长期的干旱造成严重的缺水。
- There's an acute shortage of water. 严重缺水。
- Acute shortage of sth 严重缺乏...
- British hospitals face an acute shortage of doctors and nurses. 英国的医院面对医生和护士严重短缺的问题。
- There is an acute shortage of water in the remote areas in western China. 中国西部的偏远地区严重缺水。
- Many villages in the Third World suffer from an acute shortage of clean water. 第三世界的许多农村都严重缺乏洁净的水。
- When there is an acute shortage of lower-level cadres, this kind of nomination is very useful. 在下级干部极端缺乏的时候,这种推选很有用处。
- Sweeping across Asia, an information technology revolution is causing an acute shortage of high-tech labor. 一场信息技术革命席卷亚洲,导致高新技术人才严重短缺。一场席卷亚洲的信息革命导致高新技术人才严重短缺。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
- A slight rise in dwelling commencements in the September 2007 quarter does little to alter an acute shortage of housing stock in Australia. 2007年第四季度9月份澳大利亚新开楼盘少量上升,不过难以改变严峻的住房储量短缺问题。
- Whether it's a question of economic construction,education,science,public security and legal work or anything else,we suffer from an acute shortage of specialized personnel. 至于搞经济建设、搞教育、搞科学、搞政法等等,应该说,我们的专业人才太缺乏了。
- With the "Green Card" initiative the German government has created a suitable instrument for eliminating an acute shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector. 由于实施"绿卡"计划,德国政府找到了缓解信息技术部门熟练工人严重缺乏的适当途径。
- The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up. 西红柿的短缺提高了它的价格。
- Brock International will attempt to find office space for participants, though we can make no guarantees due to an acute shortage of space in the university. Brock系际会与会者试图寻找办公空间,虽然我们可以保证不因空间严重不足的大学。
- Precipitate the extinction of sth. 促进某种事物的消灭
- Answer:With the "Green Card" initiative the German government has created a suitable instrument for eliminating an acute shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector. 答:由于实施"绿卡"计划,德国政府找到了缓解信息技术部门熟练工人严重缺乏的适当途径。