- Actinoptychus africanusn. 非洲辐裥藻
- Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the "Southern African ape ". 达特给化石命名为非洲南猿,意即“南非类人猿”。
- He unsuccessfully opposed Scipio Africanus' invasion of Africa in 205. 西元前205年他反对大西庇阿入侵非洲,但没有成功。
- Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the "Southern African ape". 达特给化石命名为非洲南猿,意即“南非类人猿”。
- Using a CT scanner, his team measured jaw bones and teeth from Australopithecus africanus,a species that flourished in southern Africa between 3.3 and 2.5 million years ago. 他的团队采用CT扫描仪,测量3.;3到2
- Strait thinks that A. africanus ate a wide variety of foods but could rely on nuts in dry seasons when the ripe fruit and other plants and animals it preferred were scarce. 斯特雷特认为,虽然南方古猿非洲种吃多种多样相差很大的食物,但在成熟的水果和它所偏好的其它动植物短缺的旱季就可能依赖坚果。
- It was also around this time that mankind's direct ancestor, Homo erectus, the species considered to be the first true human being, appeared in Africa and Asia after replacing more primitive ape-like creatures such as Australopithecus africanus. 也正是在那个时候,人类的直接祖先直立人--据认为是最早的真正的人类--在非洲和亚洲出现,取代了非洲南猿等类猿生物。
- The Olduvai Gorge, home to Zinjanthropus africanus, modern man's ancestor who lived about 2 million years ago and earlier hominids who lived more than 3.5 million years ago, is found only in Tanzania. 奥杜威大峡谷:只在坦桑尼亚发现的约350万年前的史前人类和200万年前现代人类的祖先东非人生活过的地方。
- That's when the first skull of a human ancestor was unearthed in Africa: the Taung child, now recognized as a member of Australopithecus africanus, which lived about 3 million to 2 million years ago. 那时,人类祖先的第一个头盖骨在非洲出土:生在约300万至200万年前的小孩汤恩,现在公认为是一名南方古猿非洲种成员。
- Destroyed by the younger Scipio Africanus, it was later the site of a colony founded by Julius Caesar in 44 BC;in 29 BC Augustus made it the administrative center of the province of Africa. 为小西庇阿所摧毁,西元前44年凯撒在此建立一块殖民地,西元前29年奥古斯都设它为非洲行省的行政中心。
- Actinoptychus annulatus var. minorn. 球状辐裥藻小型变种
- Actinoptychus stella var. thumiin. 星形辐裥藻色氏变种
- Agapanthus africanus ssp. orientalis ' Big Blue' 百子莲
- Agapanthus africanus ssp. orientalis' Big Blue' 百子莲
- christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the "Southern African ape". 达特给化石命名为非洲南猿,意即“南非类人猿”。
- 8. Dart christened the fossil Australopithecus Africanus, meaning the "Southern African ape". 达特给化石命名为非洲南猿,意即“南非类人猿”。
- Actinoptychus trinacriformisn. 三叉状辐裥藻
- Actinoptychus trilingulatusn. 三舌辐裥藻
- Actinoptychus vulgarisn. 中等辐裥藻
- Actinoptychus subangulatusn. 亚角辐裥藻