- Actinidia maloidesn. 海棠猕猴桃
- Actinidia arguta (Sieb.et Zucc.)Planch. 软枣子
- Nine new species of Actinidia Lindl. 猕猴桃属植物九个新种。
- Planting technology of Actinidia spp. 猕猴桃种植技术。
- I also love love Actinidia Actinidia understand! 我爱吃猕猴桃也爱了解猕猴桃!
- Where can Wuhan purchase a Chinese actinidia root? 武汉哪里可以买到猕猴桃根?
- Studies on the pollen morphology of the Actinidia. 猕猴桃属花粉形态研究简报.
- Kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. 以猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosa(A.
- Actinidia arguta (Seib.et Zucc.)Plangch.ex Miq. 软枣猕猴桃
- Study on Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristic of Actinidia sp. 猕猴桃叶片光合特性初探。
- Objective To produce functional jelly of Chinensis Actinidia fruit. 目的探讨富含猕猴桃果水溶性多糖的营养型保健果冻的制备。
- Revision of infraspecific taxa of Actinidia chinensis Planch. 中华猕猴桃种下分类群订正.
- Observations on the chromosome numbers of 4 species in Actinidia. 四种猕猴桃属植物的染色体数目观察.
- Investigation of germplasm resources of Actinidia in Guangxi. 广西猕猴桃种质资源调查研究.
- The genus Actinidia contains more than 66 species and 118 taxa. 猕猴桃属(Actinidia)植物全世界有66个种、约118个种下分类单位(变种、变型)。
- Anatomical Study on the Fruit Development of Actinidia kolmikta Maxim. 狗枣猕猴桃果实发育的解剖学观察。
- Gracie and Bruno are two elite cultivars of Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa. Gracie(格雷斯)与Bruno(希鲁诺)是美味猕猴桃的两个优良品种。
- Actinidia chinesis planch seed oil is determined to contain more than 85. 对“米良1号”猕猴桃果仁油中脂肪酸含量进行了测定。
- This paper deals with the methods for in vitro conservation of Actinidia. 本文研究了猕猴桃属植物离体种质资源保存的方法。
- A woody Chinese vine(Actinidia chinensis) having brown,fuzzy,edible fruit with a green,sweet pulp. 猕猴桃树一种木本的中国攀缘植物(中华猕猴桃猕猴桃属),具有褐色的有绒毛的可食用的果实及绿色的甜果肉