- The model of a multibeam underwater acoustic detection system based on pseudo-noise sequence is presented. 并给出了数值仿真实现,分析了信噪比、多址干扰及发射波束数等对信道估计算法性能的影响。
- Target echo signals are the main information source in underwater acoustic detection system. 目标回波信号是水声探测系统主要的信息来源。
- The acoustic detection methods have advantages over the othermethods in that they are non-invasive and immune to electromagnetic noise. 本文通过对国内外大量相关资料的分析,指出传统的信号变化方法在处理含有强烈噪声的非平稳突变信号中的缺陷。
- The acceleration responsivity is a significant parameter for a fiber-optic hydrophone used in underwater acoustic detection. 摘要对用于水声探测的光纤水听器,加速度相移灵敏度是一个重要的参数。
- Due to a lower cost in calculation and a higher accuracy, TDE (Time Delay Estimation) theories become quite generally used in acoustic detection. 以时延估计(Time Delay Estimation)为基础的定位算法和理论,由于其较低的运算复杂度和较高的准确率,而成为目前比较通用的声定位方法。
- Reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at a sediment interface is an important problem for seafloor scattering,bottom reverberation and the acoustic detection of objects. 声波在海底界面的反射和透射是海底散射、海底混响、海底目标探测的重要问题。
- With the progressive development of underwater acoustic detection and acoustic-guided weapons, more advanced requirements are imposed upon the acoustic properties of submarines. 随着水声探测潜艇的手段和方法以及带有声制导的水下武器的不断完善,对潜艇的声学性能的要求越来越高。
- AAD Aero Acoustic Detection System 航空声测系统
- Passive acoustic detection system 无源声探测系统
- acoustic detection countermeasure 声测对抗
- Passive Acoustic Detection Sonobuoy 被动式音响探测声呐浮标
- Trackside Acoustic Detection System 线路声学检测系统
- Sniper Acoustic Detection System 狙击手音响探测系统
- Sniper Acoustic Detection Sensor 狙击手声响探测传感器
- Development of vertical storage tank acoustic detection apparatus 常压立式储罐声学检测仪的研制
- Opened the show with an acoustic set. 不用电子乐器开始演出
- Application of acoustic detection in weather measurement 声测在气象测量中的应用
- Airborne anti-submarine acoustic detection equipment 航空反潜声探设备
- An Acoustic Detection Solution to Aclinic Mill System Localization 磨煤机位料测量的声波检测法
- active acoustic detecting device 主动声探测仪