- Achnanthes crenulatan. 波缘曲壳藻
- Crenulatin was isolated from Rhodiola crenulata. 大花红景天(Rhodiola crenulata)是景天科红景天属植物。
- OBJECTIVE To study the micro-morphological structure of the rhizome of Rhodiola crenulata(Hook.f.et thoms)H. 目的鉴别大花红景天根茎的内部结构,并进行解剖学研究。
- Objective:To determine the extraction ratio and contents of salidroside in Rhodiola crenulata(Hook.. F.et. 目的:测定不同贮藏年限大花红景天的出膏率及红景天苷的含量。
- This paper compared the result of heat heat circum-fluence extraction with that of microwave-assisted extraction of Salidroside from Rhodiola crenulata . 比较传统热回流提取与微波辅助提取大花红景天有效成份的效果。
- Yutuo zangyaopai Hongjingtian capsule was prepared carefully by modern technology which used the effective composition extracted from Rhodiola crenulata(Hook.f.et Thoms.)H. 宇妥藏药牌红景天胶囊选用“高原生态药谷”中海拔4000米以上的大花红景天,承袭传统藏药的研究方法,结合现代科技手段精制而成。
- The mice models of memory dificiency were made in order to evaluate the effects of Rhodiola crenulata compound(RCC) on the grade of learning and memory (GLM). 采用小鼠记忆损伤模型,观察了红景天中药复方制剂对小鼠各种类型记忆损伤的影响,并观察了其抗缺氧作用。
- Rhodiola Crenulata H. 大花红景天
- Pyracantha crenulata. 喜马拉雅山.
- Any of various shrubs of the southern African genusAgathosma, especially A. betulina and A. crenulata, whose leaves are used as a mild diuretic and also yield an aromatic oil used for flavoring. 南非香叶木:长于非洲南部的阿格皂斯玛属的灌木,尤指桦木阿格皂斯玛和锯齿阿格皂斯玛。
- Achnanthes javanica var. subcontrictan. 爪哇曲壳藻亚缩变种
- Achnanthes javanica var. tenuistaurosn. 爪哇曲壳藻十字节变种
- Achnanthes brevipes var. intermidian. 短柄曲壳藻中间变种
- Achnanthes brevipes var. parvulan. 短柄曲壳藻小型变种
- Achnanthes brevipes var. seriatan. 短柄曲壳藻成列变种
- Achnanthes javanica var. Meister 爪哇曲壳藻亚缢变种
- Achnanthes conspicus var. brevistristan. 明显曲壳藻短条变种
- Achnanthes brevipes var. leudugerin. 短柄曲壳藻刘氏变种
- Achnanthes brevipes var. angustatan. 短柄曲壳藻变狭变种
- Rhodiola crenulata (Hook. f. et thoms)H. Ohba 大花红景天