- Achenes ovoid to obovoid. 瘦果卵圆形的到倒卵球形。
- Achene ovoid to semicircular, often compressed, sessile or stipitate on oblique torus, usually reflexed on dorsiventrally or laterally winged pedicels. 瘦果卵球形到卵圆形,经常压缩,无柄或者具柄在斜花托上,通常反折在背面或者侧面具翅花梗。
- ovary greenish white or reddish white, broadly ovoid to obovoid, adaxially distinctly convex, villous, with parietal placentation; 子房带绿色白色或带红色白色的,宽卵形到倒卵球形,正面清楚凸,具长柔毛,具侧膜胎座;
- Fruit a capsule, globose to obovoid, loculicidal. 果一蒴果,球状的到倒卵球形,室背开裂。
- Achenes ovoid or subglobose, rarely strongly bilaterally compressed. 瘦果卵球形或近球形,很少强烈两侧压缩。
- Fruit ovoid to urceolate, irregularly dehiscent. 果卵球形到瓶形的,不规则开裂。
- Fruit a caryopsis, ovoid to ellipsoid, beaked. 果一颖果,卵球形的到椭圆形,具喙。
- Fruit baccate, ovoid to oblate, with several seeds per locule. 果浆果状,卵球形的到扁球形,具数个种子每室。
- Calyx ovoid to ellipsoid, limb annular or cupular, persistent. 花萼卵球形的到椭圆形,冠檐环状或杯状,宿存。
- Achene somewhat drupaceous, ovoid to obliquely obovoid, covered but not enclosed by fleshy perianth. 瘦果有点具核果,卵圆形的到间接倒卵球形,被盖住但不是藏于肉花被。
- Flowers bisexual, ellipsoid to obovoid, or narrowly so or subcylindric in bud. 花两性,椭圆形到倒卵球形,因此近圆筒状的或在芽中的狭或。
- Seeds 2 or 3 each locule, ovoid to globose, dark brown, arillate. 种子2或3每子房室,卵球形到球状,暗褐色,具假种皮。
- Nutlets ovoid to oblong, glabrous or sparsely hairy, tuberculate or smooth. 小坚果卵圆形的到长圆形,无毛或者疏生毛,具瘤或平滑。
- Fruit ovoid to globose, enclosed by perianth, pericarp fleshy or parchmentlike. 果卵球形到球形,藏于花被,果皮肉质或羊皮纸状。
- Winter buds terminal, ovoid to ellipsoid, scales spirally imbricate. 冬芽顶生,卵球形至椭圆体形,鳞片覆瓦状螺旋排列。
- Achene ovoid, slightly compressed, with lustrous and crustaceous pericarp, enclosed by dry persistent perianth. 卵圆形的瘦果,稍压扁,有有光泽和壳质的果皮,藏于干燥的宿存花被。
- Achene ovoid or ellipsoid, not ribbed, enclosed by persistent, fleshy perianth or exserted from small perianth. 瘦果卵圆形的或椭圆形,不具肋,藏于宿存花被内,肉的花被或者从小的花被外露。
- Female and male inflorescences all cymose-paniculate; achene ovoid or oblong; basal veins on leaf blade even or sunken adaxially. 二歧聚伞状的雌花序,有时密集成簇;雄花序二歧聚伞状,圆锥状或聚伞状;瘦果近球形;在叶片正面突出上的基出脉。(32
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Berry fleshy to leathery, ovoid to oblong, slightly longer to shorter than calyx, indehiscent. 浆果肉质到革质,卵球形到长圆形,稍长在短于花萼,不裂。