- Charging tanks put the infantry to rout. 进攻的坦克使步兵溃不成军。
- The infantry began to deploy at dawn. 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置。
- The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery. 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。
- The infantry are defending well. 步兵防守甚佳。
- Our infantry is supported by tanks. 我们的步兵有坦克支持。
- He commands an infantry regiment. 他指挥一个步兵团。
- Infantry still plays an important part in war. 步兵在战争中仍然起著重要的作用。
- A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack. 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。
- We have less infantry than the enemy. 我们的步兵比敌军少。
- We have less infantry and armour than the enemy. 我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少。
- Infantry, armor, and other combat arms. 步兵,装甲兵和其他作战兵种
- Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked. 炮轰敌军阵地之后,我步兵开始进攻。
- An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry. 炮兵连,炮兵中队部队炮兵单位,相当于步兵中的一个连
- Artillery fire supported the infantry attack. 炮火掩护步兵进攻。
- The infantry is equipped with new weapons. 步兵部队装备了新武器。
- A long spear formerly used by infantry. 长矛,长枪旧时步兵用的长矛
- An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant. 伴随物伴随的事物或情况; 伴随物
- Flattery is the infantry of negotiation. 恭维是谈判中的步兵人。
- The infantry is an important part of the army. 步兵是军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
- Coinciding in tendency or effect; concomitant or accompanying. 附属的在倾向或效果上相协调一致的; 附属的或随从的