- Acchmis curvan. 曲杰夜蛾
- I must offer my thanks to the [i]curva[/i] of Atalanta who greeted me. 我要衷心的感谢亚特兰大人欢迎我。
- "I must offer my thanks to the [i]curva[/i] of Atalanta who greeted me. "我要衷心的感谢亚特兰大人欢迎我。
- The choregraphies of the Curva Sud. The best Curva in Italy and the world!!! 梦想剧场圣西罗的南看台。这是意大利乃至全世界最好的看台!
- To stand in the Curva with you was one of the strongest emotions I have ever experienced in my life. 我明白对于我的决定,你们会感到很失望甚至有些悲伤,但我还是要说,希望你们能够尊重我的选择。
- The fans in the Curva were determining in our victory in the second half against Brescia. 南看台的球迷们对我们下半场战胜布雷西亚起了决定性作用。
- Although the fans left Trigoria calmly, there is still a sense of tension between the players and the Curva Sud. 尽管球迷的抗议活动平安结束,但是在南看台和球队之间仍然气氛紧张。
- Inter fans saw this as a great omen and the good old days were coming to the curva nord again. 国际米兰的球迷把莫拉蒂的入主视为复兴的重要预兆,期待球队重塑曾经的辉煌。
- Hearing the Curva sing after my goal always gives a great emotion, really special. 在我进球后听到球迷的欢呼总是令人激动,感觉真的很特别。”
- The silence of the curva fans section during the derby influenced things negatively. 在德比中南看台球迷的安静使得事情便的消极。
- In fact, ever since his first goal in a derby game, back in October 2003, Kaka has had plenty to celebrate beneath the Curva Sud. 事实上,自从2003年10月他在德比大战中攻入自己的首粒入球后,卡卡已经在北看台下进行过无数次的庆祝。
- His obstinate, but consistent views on fire, colours, form and space have had a great influence on contemporary design of the Curva. 虽然固执,但是他对火、颜色、款式和空间的执着理念却大大影响了现代的壁炉设计。
- Hearing the lyrical, marvelous, beautifully synchronized songs of the Curva Sud each time gives me the goosebumps even overhearing them on the back ground on tv. 每当听到圣西罗南看台充满激情、旋律动人、整齐划一的歌声,我总会感到热血沸腾,即使在电视直播中他们只是作为背景声音出现。
- In November Curva Sud idol stormed San Siro with an astonishing performance when Roma faced Milan.His two goals secured a glorious win in Milan after a couple of decades of drought for giallorossi. 在11月,南看台的偶像以令人惊讶的表现在对米兰的比赛中以两个入球获取了一次光彩的胜利。
- It is the stadium factor, the fan factor, the atmosphere factor: once the Rossoneri are back on home turf, with the backing of the curva all that attacking football is transformed into goals. 这就是体育场的因素,球迷的因素,环境的因素:每当红黑军团坐镇主场,有着强力的球迷支持时,所有的攻势足球都会转化为最终的进球。
- The roof edge is detected by using local extremum of maximum main curvature along the direction of maximum main curva ture, and the direction of minimum main curvature is the trend of the roof edge. 通过屋脊边缘沿最大主曲率方向的最大主曲率局部极值检测屋脊边缘,同时最小主曲率的方向就是屋脊边缘的走向。
- which had crashed at la curva del diablo. 车在魔鬼弯道坠落的。
- of the Curva Sud. The best Curva in Italy and the world!!! 梦想剧场圣西罗的南看台。这是意大利乃至全世界最好的看台!
- 26) The choregraphies of the Curva Sud. The best Curva in Italy and the world!!! 梦想剧场圣西罗的南看台。这是意大利乃至全世界最好的看台!
- 97) I'd like to spend a few words on the amazing, beautiful and always original and funny choregraphies and chants of la Curva Sud. 我想圣西罗的南看台不容忽略,那个令人称奇、美妙无比的梦幻舞台,那里总是有着新奇有趣的表演,那里总是歌声嘹亮,那里聚集着世界上最棒最忠诚的球迷。