- Starting temperature and effective accumulative temperature of development of pupae and eggs of Acantholyda erythrocephala 红头阿扁叶蜂蛹、卵发育起点温度和有效积温的研究
- Acantholyda erythrocephala 红头阿扁叶蜂
- Hymenoptera Pamphiliidae Acantholyda Cephalcia new species China. 膜翅目 扁蜂科 阿扁蜂属 腮扁蜂属 新种 中国.
- Acantholyda Posticalis Matsumura 松阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda piceacola Xiao et Zhou 云杉阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda posticalis posticalis 油松扁叶蜂
- Biological Characteristics of Acantholyda flavomarginata Maa and its control tests 黄缘阿扁叶蜂生物学特性与防治试验研究
- Study on the Biological Characteristics and Control of Acantholyda flavomarginata Maa 黄缘阿扁叶蜂生物学特性及防治研究
- Disophrys erythrocephalan. 红头刺脸茧蜂
- Calliphora erythrocephala [医] 红头丽蝇
- Pyrrhula erythrocephalan. 红头灰雀
- Acantholyda posticalis 松阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda 阿扁蜂属
- Acantholyda dimorpha 异耦阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda dimorpha Maa 异耦阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda flavalbimarginata 黄白缘阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda parki 帕克阿扁叶蜂
- Acantholyda posticalis Matsmura 松阿扁叶蜂