- 日内瓦协议(1962)Geneva Agreements
- 1962至1963年在中央音乐学院任教。She worked as a teacher at the Conservatory from 1962 to 1963.
- 卡特(1962)曾假定,粘着区域发生在接触的前缘。Carter (1962) assumed that the zone of adhesion occurred at the leading edge of the contact.
- 史密斯(1962)提出了三种不同方法以计算不均匀沙的当量直径。Smith (1962) considered three alternate methods to determine an equivalent diameter of graded sediment.
- 史密斯(1962)提出了三种不同方法以计算不均匀沙的当量直径。Smith (1962) considered three alternate methods to determine an equivalent diameter of graded sediment.
- 生存、适应与融合:牙买加华人社区的形成与发展(1854-1962)Survival,Adaptation and Integration: Origins and Evolution of the Chinese Community in Jamaica(1854-1962)
- 特别是我们这些人口激增时期(1946-1962)出生的人,热衷于“参与”什么的。Especially us baby boomer- participation and all that jazz.
- 萨摩亚是一个国家的德国前殖民地,1914年新西兰捕获并给予1962独。The country Samoa is a former German colony, captured by New Zealand in 1914 and granted independence in 1962.
- 威廉·福克纳(1897-1962)是二十世纪美国最杰出的小说家之一。William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of the most distinguished modern novelists in America in the 20th century.
- 拒绝是一种言语行为,这可追溯到奥斯汀(1962)和塞尔(1969, 1979)的言语行为理论。Refusals are onecategory of speech acts, the theory could be traced back to the speech act theory of Austin(1962) and Searle (1969, 1979).
- 批评是一种言语行为,这可追溯到奥斯汀(1962)和塞尔(1969, 1979) 的言语行为理论。Criticism is a kindof speech act, the theory could be traced back to the speech act theory of Austin (1962) andSearle (1969, 1979).
- 法赫德,沙特阿拉伯国王(从1982年起),曾任内务大臣(1962-1975年),辅佐沙特的内外政策Fahd,King of Saudi Arabia(since1982) who earlier served as interior minister(1962-1975) and helped shape Saudi domestic and foreign policy
- 法赫德沙特阿拉伯国王(从1982年起),曾任内务大臣(1962-1975年),辅佐沙特的内外政策King of Saudi Arabia(since1982) who earlier served as interior minister(1962-1975) and helped shape Saudi domestic and foreign policy.
- 劳顿,查尔斯1899-1962英裔美籍演员,创造了许多电影形象,其中包括叛舰喋血记(1935年)中的布利上校British-born American actor whose many motion-picture roles include that of Captain Bligh in Mutiny on the Bounty(1935).
- 克莱斯勒,弗里兹1875-1962美籍奥地利裔小提琴家,小提琴作品和轻歌剧苹果花(1919年)的作曲者Austrian - born American violinist and composer of violin works and the operetta Apple Blossoms(1919.
- 西易,托马斯·杰斐逊·杰克逊1866-1962美国天文学家和数学家,他观测了双星座并发展了万有引力波理论American astronomer and mathematician who investigated double stars and developed the wave theory of gravitation.
- 康普顿,阿瑟·霍利1892-1962美国物理学家,因发现康普顿效应而与别人共获1927年诺贝尔奖A city of southern California, a residential and industrial suburb between Los Angeles and Long Beach. Population,90, 454.
- 西易,托马斯 杰斐逊 杰克逊1866-1962美国天文学家和数学家,他观测了双星座并发展了万有引力波理论American astronomer and mathematician who investigated double stars and developed the wave theory of gravitation.
- 克莱斯勒,弗里兹1875-1962美籍奥地利裔小提琴家,小提琴作品和轻歌剧苹果花(1919年)的作曲者Austrian-born American violinist and composer of violin works and the operetta Apple Blossoms(1919).
- 劳顿,查尔斯1899-1962英裔美籍演员,创造了许多电影形象,其中包括叛舰喋血记(1935年)中的布利上校。British-born American actor whose many motion-picture roles include that of Captain Bligh in Mutiny on the Bounty(1935).