- A print made from such a block. 印版印刷品用印版印出的印刷品
- A print made from an engraved plate or block. 雕版印刷品,版画
- A print made from a plate engraved by mezzotint. 网线铜(或钢)版印刷品用网线铜(或钢)版雕刻法制成的版制作的印刷品
- Screened print: A print made from a half-tone negative. A screened print can be used for paste-up and reproduced as line copy. 网点相片:用半色调阴片照印的相片。网点相片可以放于拼贴上,当作线条稿复制。
- A walking stick or switch made from such wood. 山核桃木制成的手杖或鞭子
- White line engraving A relief print made from a block in which the non-printing engraved lines form the subject, producing a design in white lines and areas on a black ground. 白文木刻用木刻版印的凸版画。雕去它的主题部份,成非印纹,在黑色下面造成白色线条的图形。
- A print made from a woodcut. 木刻画木刻制成的版
- To print from a block or plate made by such a process. 翻版印刷从一块儿木头或盘子上通过一种过程印刷
- A print or engraving made by using such a plate. 铜凹版印刷品用铜凹板印制的印刷品或版画
- a print made from an engraved plate or block 雕版印刷品,版画
- Nothing but disaster would come from such a plan. 此一计划除了导致失败而外将一无所获。
- Screened print A print made from a half-tone negative. A screened print can be used for paste-up and reproduced as line copy. 网点相片用半色调阴片照印的相片。网点相片可以放于拼贴上,当作线条稿復制。
- One main idea possessed him; he must get away from such a home. 他只有一个主要想法:他必须离开这个家。
- They are absolutely discouraging me from such a dangerous step. 他们完全反对我迈出这危险的一步。
- A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk. 马拉布生丝织物由这种生丝制成的织物或衣物
- Such a block would have shaken the wall of a fortress, but it made no impression on the monster. 这一击也许能震撼城堡的围墙,但落到那蛇身上,却没有什么作用。
- a print made from a copperplate engraving. 从铜版上印刷出来的印刷物。
- These are identical prints made from a wood-block. 这是用一块木板印出来的完全相同的画。
- The scar resulting from such a cut. 手术疤痕由于这样的切割而导致的疤痕
- a print made from a plate engraved by mezzotint 用网线铜(或钢)版雕刻法制成的版制作的印刷品