- A plant that is cultivated or appreciated for its blossoms. 开花植物一种为其花朵而培植或欣赏的植物
- A plant that is ephemeral 菌类植物,朝生暮死
- It is a plant that thrives on being left alone. 介种植物属于那种很皮实的种类。
- A plant that grows in saline soil. 盐生植物一种生长在盐分土壤上的植物
- A plant that yields a medicinal oil. 可产出医药用油的植物
- An organism that is pathogenic to a plant. 植物病原体使植物致病的有机体
- The part of the axis of a plant embryo or seedling plant that is below the cotyledons. (下)胚轴低于胚轴的一个植物胚胎或根的轴的一部分。
- A plant that does not grow well in lime-rich soil. 嫌钙植物一种富石灰质土壤中长势不好的植物
- For how can we condemn something that is ephemeral in transit? 我们怎么能去谴责那些转瞬即逝的事物呢?
- A plant that spreads by means of stems that creep. 爬行植物通过茎在表面蔓延的植物
- A plant that thrives in soil rich in lime. 钙生植物生长于富含石灰质土壤中的植物
- A plant that reproduces by or is reproduced by apomixis. 无配生殖植物,无融合生殖植物可进行无配生殖的植物或由无配生殖产生的植物
- Qixi immortalizes one moment that is ephemeral and fast fleeting. 七夕使转瞬即逝的短暂的时刻得以永恒。
- His aim is to create a plant that is both high-yielding and has roots chunky enough to be harvested mechanically by the sort of device now used to pick carrots. 他的目标,是要培育出产量又高,根部又足够肥大,能用现在采收胡萝卜的设备机械收割的品种。
- A plant that completes its entire life cycle in a single growing season. 一年生植物全部生命周期为一个生长季节的
- The part of a plant, such as a rutabaga, that is above the ground. 梢:芜菁甘蓝等植物露出地面的部分。
- A shoot arising from the root of a plant that has been cut down. 从被砍伐植物的根部长出的苗。
- a plant that is an epiphyte for part of its life. 在生命的部分时间附生的植物。
- A plant that climbs by its adventitious roots e. G. Ivy. 通过不定根攀援的植物,比如,常春藤。
- An herb is a plant that has no permanent woody stem. 草本植物是没有永久木茎的植物。