- A feudal vassal or subject. 封建藩属或臣民
- A vassal or subject owing allegiance and services to a lord or sovereign under feudal law. 臣属,藩属根据封建法律,应对君主或领主效忠或服役的臣民
- A payment or tax given by a feudal vassal to an overlord. 贡赋,贡税封建封臣向封建领主支付的款项或税金
- of or relating to the relation of a feudal vassal to his lord. 属于封臣和领主间的封建关系,或有关这种关系。
- A cause or subject for laughter. 笑因,笑者笑的原因或对象
- a payment or tax given by a feudal vassal to an overlord 封建封臣向封建领主支付的款项或税金
- of or relating to the relation of a feudal vassal to his lord 属于封臣和领主间的封建关系,或有关这种关系
- To invest with a feudal estate or fee. 授予封建采邑(世袭地产)或封地
- A feudal holding, system, or regime. 封建领地、制度或政体
- The estate or domain of a feudal lord. 采邑封建主的领地、领土
- A loyal supporter, follower, or subject. 忠诚的信徒、追随者或臣民
- An optional academic course or subject. 选修的科目选修课程或课题
- The costume or insignia worn by the retainers of a feudal lord. 装束封建主的随从所穿的服装或所戴标志
- A tribute or service rendered to a feudal lord on the death of a tenant. 租地继承税佃农死时向封建地主交纳的贡物或提供的劳务
- His grandfather used to be a feudal lord. 他的祖父原来是个封建主。
- They were subjects of a feudal ruler. 他们是封建统治者的臣民。
- A monetary payment to a feudal lord by a vassal in medieval England. 贡金在中世纪英国,封臣向领主缴纳的贡金
- To swindle or subject to extortion. 诈骗或欺骗,欺诈
- A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor? 主题:在骑士和侍从之间?
- Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture. 丧失的,没收的丢失的或因没收而损失的