- It's an alloy not readily drillable. 这是不易钻洞的合金。
- ATR alloy 锆铜钼合金
- Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. 黄铜是铜和锌的合金。
- ATR alloy ATR 锆铜钼合金
- A stable, corrosion-resistant zirconium alloy. 锆合金一种稳定而防腐蚀的锆合金
- An alloy of two or more metallic elements. 合金两种或多种金属所合成的金属
- Increased the effect of focus skill on spell ATR. 增强了基于法术攻击等级的技能效果。
- Ornaments, objects, or utensils made of this alloy. 黄铜制品用这种合金制的装饰品、物件或器皿
- However we do not offer this class on ATR aircraft. 但是,在ATR飞机上我们没有提供此舱位。
- An alloy composed of lead, tin, and zinc. 铅锡锌化合物由铅、锡和锌组成的一种合金
- The CME was also characterized by ESCA and ATR. 文中还用X光电子能谱(ESCA)、衰减全反射红外光谱(ATR)等现代分析技术对修饰电极进行了表征.
- I hardly ever know that aluminium alloy could be as strong as steel. 我几乎从来不知道铝合金竟会和钢强度一样大。
- ATR says 38 and there is at least 60 to the UTL. ATR指示38,此处于趋势线的距离至少有60点。
- Exit at the highest close since entry minus 2.5 ATR on a stop. 止损点放在自我们入市交易后的最高收盘价减去2.;5ATR处。
- Exit at the highest high since entry minus 3 ATR on a stop. 止损点放在自我们入市交易后的最高价减去3ATR处。
- An alloy of zinc and copper used as imitation gold. 铜锌合金作为仿金品使用的铜锌合金
- The principal metal in an alloy, as the iron in steel. 合金中的主要金属,例如钢中的铁
- An alloy of copper, zinc, and tin, used in imitation gold jewelry. 金色铜一种由铜、锌和锡制成的合金,用于仿制黄金首饰
- The films were characterized using XPS, ATR FT IR, GAIR. 利用光电子能谱 (XPS) ,表面衰减全反射红外光谱 (ATR- FT- IR) ,掠角红外光谱 (GAIR)对膜进行了表征。
- Mercy should alloy our stern resentment. 宽容会缓和积怨。