- ASTM standards are well known in China. 目前ASTM标准在中国具有很高的知名度。
- We can supply products as per ASTM standards or other spec. 还可按客户要求提供符合ASTM等不同标准的产品。
- Sixblocks were made according to American ASTM Standard. 参照美国ASTM标准制作五棱椎木块,共六块。
- All monitoring samples are drawn based on AQL sampling plan and tested as per ASTM standards. 所有监测中的样品均依据AQL取样标准,按照ASTM标准测试。
- Methods:The extract fluid from Ni-Ti alloys was made according to the ASTM standards of USA. 方法:按美国ASTM标准制备Ni-Ti合金的金属浸提液;
- The ASTM standard method D2500-66 for cloud point measurement covers transparent petroleum products. 用于测定浊点的ASTM标准法D2500-66已抱轻质油品。
- The physical properties of the compound have come up to ASTM standard and can compare with some commercial products both at home and abroad. 该胶料的各种物理性能均达到了美国ASTM标准规定的指标,与国内外几种商品防水卷材的性能相当。
- The most frequently referenced industry standards for plastic piping systems are ASTM Standard Specifications and Practices. 最常引用的塑料管道系统行业标准是美国材料实验协会的标准规范和实践。
- The electrodes follow the ASTM Standard D257 entitled “DC Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials. 其电极满足ASTM标准D257“绝缘材料的直流电阻或电导”的要求。
- YEUN CHYANG and FROCH are specialized manufacturer for stainless steel tube and pipe.Products are in conformity with CNS, JIS and ASTM standards. 允强及彰源公司都是专业的不锈钢钢管制造商,产品质量符合CNS,JIS及ASTM等国家规范标准。
- The result of embedding test was in accord with the ASTM standards of USA completely, the fibrotic membrane around the Ni-Ti alloys had become thinner with embedding time. 包埋实验结果也完全符合美国ASTM标准的要求,随包埋时间延长试件表面的纤维膜逐渐变薄,纤维积聚呈减少趋势。
- When the anti corrosion coefficient of sample is 0.8, the limit value 25 percent of strength loss is all the same to American ASTM standard. 混凝土试件的抗蚀系数为 0 .;8时与美国ASTM标准规定的强度损失 2 5%25的界限值相吻合
- PLEASE NOTE, the actual glass thickness you measure, can be less than the traditional designations used by the ASTM standard range. 请注意;您量测的确实玻璃厚度;比ASTM标准范围传统使用的少.
- It was originally developed for metallic joints, but it is now also referenced in the ASTM standard for plastic fittings cited above. 原先是从金属连接件发展来,但是现在也在ASTM标准中引用,适用于上述引用的塑料连接件。
- Eric Stauffer and John J. Lentini , ”ASTM standard for fire debris analysis :a review,” Forensic Sciences International Vol.132 , 2003 , pp63-67. 台湾建筑物涂料火灾后对促燃剂残迹鑑定潜在干扰之研究“,内政部九十一年度委讬研究计划报告。
- The shear stress-strain relationship between the metal microcap and the ASTM standard specimen is also discussed and analyzed in this thesis. 微金属帽盖和ASTM标准试片的剪应力、剪应变之关系,于此篇论文中亦作探讨与分析。
- American Society for Testing and Materials is introduced, included a taxonomy, representation of ASTM and listed some uptodate ASTM standard on physical testing. 就当前国内应用面较广的美国ASTM标准的分类 ,表达形式和最新的物理测试标准目录做了简单的介绍
- SIS is authorized by ASTM International to reproduce and distribute ASTM standards in China and each ASTM standard, which is legally reproduced and distributed by SIS, contains the ASTM International Authorization Stamp. ASTM international授权SIS在中国境内合法复制和销售ASTM标准,SIS合法复制和销售的ASTM标准全部盖有ASTM international的授权章。
- The esophagus embedding test of Ni Ti,317L alloys was made according to ASTM standards of U.S.A. The tissue around the alloys was taken at weeks 2 and 12,and the pathologic changes were analysed. 按美国 ASTM标准进行 Ni-Ti、317L合金试件的食管壁内包埋实验 ,即将金属试件经表面处理后直接置入食管壁粘膜层与肌层之间 ,术后 2、12周取出包埋组织 ,分析试件周围组织的病理变化 ,并进行胶原纤维染色 ,观察纤维形成状况。
- This study was conducted to examiune the fibrotic effect of Ni Ti and 317L alloys in esophagus. The extract fluid from Ni Ti,317L alloys was made according to the ASTM standards of U.S.A. 为探讨新型支架材料 Ni- Ti、317L合金在食管局部的致纤维化作用 ,按美国 ASTM标准制备 Ni Ti、317L合金的金属浸提液 ;