- The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined. 地面脱气原油的比重(美国石油学会标准)和生产油气比是按常规测定的。
- Thermochemical sulfate reduction, biodegradation make oil properties worse,whereas deasphalting by gas influx occuring in oil of Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Yaha area in Tarim basin can increase its API gravity and GOR,and decrease its viscosity. 热化学硫酸盐还原、生物降解作用使原油物性变差.;塔里木盆地牙哈地区中、新生界原油经气洗脱沥青;使原油密度、粘度降低;气/油比值增大;物性变好
- Test Method for API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products (Hydrometer Method) 原油和石油产品API比重的试验方法(液体比重计法)
- The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined 地面脱气原油的比重(美国石油学会标准)和生产油气比是按常规测定的。
- Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Thermohydrometer Method 用温差比重计法测量原有和液态石油产品密度,相对密度,API重力的标准试验方法
- Test Method for Density, Relative Density and API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Thermohydrometer Method 用温差比重计法测定原有和液化石油产品的密度、相对密度和API重量的试验方法
- We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation. 我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。
- Moon's weak gravity let the gasses slip away into space. 月球的微弱引力允许气体逃到太空里去。
- Jupiter, with august gravity, sitting in the midst. 朱庇特威风凛凛地坐在当中。
- The stone rolled down the hill by gravity. 石头在重力作用下向山下滚去。
- What is the force of gravity at sea level? 海平面的地球引力多大?
- He could hardly keep his gravity. 他忍不住要笑出来。
- She does not know the gravity of her illness. 她不知道自己病情严重。
- The force of gravity pulls things towards the earth's centre. 地心吸力把物体吸向地心。
- API gravity [化] API(美国石油学会比重指数)
- He doesn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation. 他似乎没有意识到形势的严重性。
- It has a solid, stable and easy to use API. 它有一个可靠的,稳定的,易于使用的API。
- He discoursed impressively on Newton's theory of gravity. 他讲述了牛顿的引力定律,给人以深刻的印象。
- A rock falling to the ground is an illustration of gravity. 石块落地是地球引力的一个实例。
- Tornado API is discussed in detail. 重点讨论了tornado应用程序接口。