- The post to which a door or gate is hinged. 门侧铰栓门或大门依铰链固定在其上的柱子
- A small door or gate, especially one built into or near a larger one. 小门,边门小门,尤指装在大门上或大门边的一种便门
- A sluice or gate used to control a flow of water. 水闸门一种用于控制水流量的闸门
- And while computers run on three different types of logic circuits -- called And,Not,and Or gates -- IBM's Not gate is the only type that has yet been created from carbon nanotubes. 计算机在三种不同的逻辑电路上运行,这三种电路称作And,Not和Or。IBM的Not是目前惟一利用碳纳米管制造出来的逻辑电路。
- Fine Arts and or photography background a plus. 有美术或摄影背景者优先。
- And while computers run on three different types of logic circuits -- called And, Not, and Or gates -- IBM's Not gate is the only type that has yet been created from carbon nanotubes. 计算机在三种不同的逻辑电路上运行,这三种电路称作And,Not和Or。 ibm的Not是目前惟一利用碳纳米管制造出来的逻辑电路。
- National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Or. 全国交通法律法规统一委员会。
- Special upgrades and or updates. 特殊升级或者更新。
- Cash for last expenses and or taxes. 后事费用及税收所需的现金。
- A fastening, as for a door or gate, typically consisting of a bar that fits into a notch or slot and is lifted from either side by a lever or string. 门闩闩,例如门闩,尤指带有一横销,插在槽或狭缝中通过把手或铁链从一头提到另一头
- Recruit new distributors and or dealers. 招募新分销商和经销商或者.
- Valve or gate that controls rate of water flow through a sluice. 控制通过水闸的水速的阀门。
- Redirect Serial and or TCP inputs/ outputs to keyboard buffer. 重定向连续剧并且或TCP输入/产量到键盘缓冲区。
- A small door or gate,especially one built into or near a larger one. 小门,边门小门,尤指装在大门上或大门边的一种便门。
- A hinged or otherwise movable section of a folding door, shutter, or gate. 扇折叠门、百叶窗或大门上装有铰链或可移动的部分
- Are any Code and rules published and or circulated regularly? 有否定期公布及传阅有关守则及规例?
- When diving and or snorkeling avoid standing on coral heads. 潜水或浮潜时,请避免站在珊瑚上。
- The property insured comprises goods and stock and or cash. 保险的财产由货物和存货或现金组成。
- There were some fine specimens of rocks and ores in the museum. 博物馆里有些很好的岩石和矿石标本.
- Sluice, An artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or gate to regulate the flow. 人工渠道,堰一种人工挖掘的沟渠,用于引水,用阀门或水闸控制水流。