- Leprosy is an extreme example of what occurs in the loss of grid work. 麻疯病是当晶格层丢失时会发生的极端事例。
- The insurance covers fire,theft and loss of work. 保险范围包括防火、防盗及失业保险。
- The insurance covers fire, theft and loss of work . 保险范围包括防火、防盗及失业保险。
- The insurance covers fire, theft and loss of work. 保险范围包括防火、防盗及失业保险。
- We should reduce the leakage and loss of water. 我们应减少水资源的漏失。
- The profit and loss of minorit shareholders in the current period. 少数股东本期损益。
- The army drove off the enemy with much effort and loss of life. 这支部队艰苦作战、伤亡惨重,最后击退了敌人。
- The profits and losses of that factory are on par. 那个工厂的盈亏相抵。
- Much of the karma for the intermixing of grid work between kingdoms is associated with those of this archetypal nature. 混淆各王国间晶格层的很多业力都与这一原型者有关。
- Age and wedlock we all desire and repent of. 成年与婚姻,均为我辈所欲,亦为我辈所悔。
- In parallel manner, stripping the light body of grid work causes it to develop a parallel disease upon its plane of reality. 以类似方式剥夺光体的晶格层,则会导致光体在相关实相层上产生一种类似疾病。
- All such regions of the form remained at the genetic encoding level that it had ascended to prior to the intermixing of grid work between kingdoms. 所有这些身体部位,都停留在混合不同王国晶格层之前时所已提升进入的遗传编码水平上。
- He suffered from headaches, insomnia and loss of appetite. 他患头痛、失眠和食欲不振。
- Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. 地震能诱发造成巨大损失和生命伤亡的山体滑坡。
- Furthermore, as there was missing genetic material to form the etheric grid work of the etheric body, went missing segments of grid work, the grid work frayed. 而且,当基因物质缺失而无法形成以太体的以太晶格层时,一部分晶格层片段也缺失,从而导致晶格层的破损。
- As one releases the karma and retrieves the missing portion of grid work and DNA, then the information is in place to ascend the related portion of the form. 当你解除了业力并要回缺失的晶格层和DNA部分时,相关信息就会到位来提升身体的相关部位。
- Loss from the sale, obsolescence, and loss of assets. 凡因资产出售、报废、及遗失等所发生之损失皆属之。
- These beings not only stripped Earth and all species over time of grid work, moving energy flow such as chakras and kundahlini or sexual energy, along with genetic information. 这些存有们随时间不仅剥夺了地球和所有物种的晶格层、运转的能量系统例如脉轮和昆达里尼及性能量,还有基因信息。
- Clearing patterns of intertwining of grid work between humans and nature;this often causes difficulties in ascension, not only in the human but also in the animal associated. 清理在人与大自然之间晶格层缠绕的模式,这经常会造成提升中的艰难,不仅是人类,而且还包括相关的动物。