- AF Corporate Board Structure 空军联合委员会组织
- At first, it analyzes three critical aspects of corporate governance, which are share structure, board structure and debt structure. 首先从股权结构、董事会结构、债权结构三个层面分析了公司治理的关键环节;
- Its adherents dominate corporate board rooms, and its allure motivates countless entrepreneurs. 其拥护者控制着公司的董事会议,其魅力激发着无数的企业家。
- An executive board of 25 corporate board members is responsible for the overall supervision of SMO's activities. 由25人组成的执行董事会负责监督荷兰企业社会基金会研究所的活动。
- Thus, in corporate board meetings the board will meet in small groups to discuss issues before meeting as a whole. 因此,在公司 的董事会议中在召集全体董事会议之前会先开一些讨论有关事务的小组会议。
- Great Moreton Gorman, president of the joint may become the new company leaders, corporate board members will also be mainly from the large Moreton. 大摩的联合总裁戈尔曼可能出任新公司一把手,公司董事会成员也将主要来自大摩。
- We arrived at this point due to an era of profound irresponsibility that stretched from corporate board rooms to the halls of power in Washington, D.C. 由于处于一个从董事会议室到华盛顿的权利大楼都极度不负责任的年代,我们走到了这个地步。
- Practicing observational humor is a great way to build humor skills.It would make for a great addition to many corporate board meetings. 练习“观察到的幽默”是习得幽默技巧的捷径,许多社团会议都可以借鉴的。
- Locking mold configuration: Adopt international advanced crossing board structure, locking mold fleetly and reposefully. 锁模结构:采用国际先进十字板结构,锁模快速、平稳。
- Accountants are garnering more power and seats on corporate board audit committees, but their numbers still remain relatively low, according to a newly released report. 近日,一份新近发布的报告表明,虽然数量仍然偏低,但是在公司董事会所属的审计委员会中,财会人员正获得更大的权力、拥有更多的席位。
- In order to used in different circumstance,our antenna have single board structure and aluminum honeycombs and swisch structure. 我公司生产的天线有单板结构、铝蜂窝夹层结构以适应不同的环境使用 。
- In addition, the management compensation is much closely related to chief executive officer characteristics than to the board structure and firm performance. 实证结果还表明;经理个人特征对经理报酬的解释能力远大于董事会结构变量和公司经营绩效变量对经理报酬的解释能力.
- Abstract: we engage in the empirical research on the relationship between board structure and firm val ue in listed private companies in China during 2002-2004. 摘要:论文对2002-2004年中国民营上市公司的董事会结构与公司价值之间的关系进行了实证研究。
- Pei and the cellist Yo-Yo Ma.But today the Chinese are prominent on the campuses of Stanford and Berkeley, in engineering labs and orchestras, if not yet in corporate board rooms and politics. 但是今天,华人在斯坦福和伯克利的校园内表现突出,在工程实验室和乐队也成就卓越,不过在公司董事会会议室和政坛还鲜有身影。
- On the question of executive pay, the crisis is sending shudders through corporate boards. 在高管限薪的问题上,金融危机也对公司董事会带来了极大振动。
- Those guidelines, or principles, are not enforceable but are meant as a message to corporate boards and to shareholders. 这些原则和指南并不是强制性的,而是传递给公司董事会和股东的信息。
- Based on four ADSP-TS203s board and two ADSP-TS101s evaluation board structure, completed each software model design separately and realized each software module by assemble language. 4. 3.;在基于四片ADSP-TS203的硬件结构和两片的ADSP-TS101评估板结构;分别完成了各软件模块的设计;并采用汇编语言完成了各软件模块的编写。
- Layoffs have sliced the upper echelons of big banking executives and bonuses are being targeted for cuts by many corporate boards. 由于裁员,银行业高管人数大为减少,许多公司的董事会也在致力于削减奖金。
- S. activists want to import the practice, hoping that public censure -- or the threat of it -- will persuade corporate boards to curb outsize executive rewards. 美国的股东活动家们希望引进这一做法,希望公众的意见或其产生的潜在威慑能说服公司董事会限制管理层不断加码的薪酬。
- A common problem at companies that have received emergency aid from the government is that corporate boards failed to guide or rein in management, Johnson said. 约翰逊还说,已经收到政府紧急援助的公司都面临一个共同的问题,那就是公司董事会不能进行正确指导或控制管理公司。