- ADG PELAGONIJA - Skopje Construction Co. 经营活动范围:建筑、设计与施工。
- Also from ADG, a cooling pad with flowers painted on it. 同样是奥迪嘉的产品,是这个画上了花的笔电散热垫。
- Susan joined ADG Electronics in 1999currently serves as the chief of staff. 苏珊于一九九九年加入ADG电子,目前担任人事总务主管。
- The Han sheep had the highest ADG and RGR, and Mongolia sheep had the lowest. 3个绵羊品种相比,小尾寒羊的平均日增质量和相对生长速率均最高,蒙古羊的均最低。
- ADG, which supplies powder packaging equipment, has a turnover of around $4m. 助理总干事,这用品粉末包装设备,有一个营业额约为400万美元。
- The result indicate that the genetic algorithm provides a new way to solve the fire distribution for ADG made up of AGM. 结果表明,遗传算法为弹炮混编防空群的火力优化分配问题提供了一条有效途径。
- Pigs fed the low-P diet adding phytase improved ADG by 16.69 (P<0.05), reduced F/G by 12.84% (P<0.05). 试验结果表明,用植酸酶替代0.;5%25的磷酸氢钙不仅不影响生长猪的生长性能,且试验组与对照组相比日增重提高了16
- Meanwhile this week, ADG Packaging Systems was bought out of administration by Danish firm GEA Process Engineering. 与此同时,本周日增重包装系统已收购了丹麦的公司管理的全球就业议程过程工程。
- Susan joined ADG Electronics in 1999 and currently serves as the chief of staff. 苏珊于一九九九年加入ADG电子,目前担任人事总务主管。
- The majority of ADG traits are significantly or very significantly correlated with body weight. 大部分体重性状与各阶段日增重也呈显著或极显著相关。
- Also from ADG, a cooling pad with flowers painted on it. Look Chinese? Absolutely! Look good? Umm... 同样是奥迪嘉的产品,是这个画上了花的笔电散热垫。中国风?有!品味?呃...
- Puzzle: Suppose four source species have the traits AB, DH, EF and CG, and the derived species have traits BEF, DEF, ADE, ACD, ACF, ADG, BEG and FGH. 进阶题:假设有四个根源物种,性状分别为AB,DH,EF,CG,八个衍生物种的性状为BEF,DEF,ADE,ACD,ACF,ADG,BEG与FGH。
- The significant power function curvilinear relationship between ADG and FSR showedthat FSR was an important factor stimulating growth of neonatal pigs. ADG与FSR之间显著的幂函数关系表明FSR是促进仔猪生长的重要因素。
- The result of the experiment indicated that ADG,ADFI, FCR was not significant between male pigs and female pigs (P>0.05). 全期试验结果表明,在一定营养水平和环境条件下,公、母猪日增重、采食量、饲料转化率差异不显著(P>0.;05),但公猪日增重有高于母猪日增重的趋势。
- It showed that calcium salts of fatty acids adding in the lamb's diet could increase the ADG and the synthetic earning of lamb feeding. 结果表明:添加脂肪酸钙可明显提高羔羊的日增重,增加养羊效益。
- Both ADG and feed intake were not effected by the pen types, and FAC also did not affect the total feed intake of sheep. 羊舍类型对绵羊日增重、采食量无显著影响,添加脂肪酸钙也不影响绵羊总采食量。
- The results showed that the level of phosphorus and calcium to phosphorus ratio did not affect the ADFI, ADG and FCE significantly (P>0.05). 结果显示,不同磷水平与钙磷比例对各处理组的平均日耗料量、平均日增重、料重比差异均不显著(P>0.;05)。
- Theresults show:1) During the whole trial period,the addition of acidifier tend to i mprove average dailygain(ADG) by 2.82%,feed conversion ratio(FCR) by 1.26%. 结果表明:(1)试验全期添加酸化剂、益生素和寡糖分别提高日增重2.;82%25、4
- The results showed that the breeds and day age had significant effects on body weight (BW), average daily gain (ADG) and relative growth rate (RGR) in lambs (P<0.05). 绵羊品种与日龄对羔羊体质量、平均日增质量和相对生长速率均有显著影响(P<0.;05)。
- The results of supplementing finishing pigs with CMH raise the daily gain (ADG) 2.87%(P>0.05), but did not affect ADFI, or F/G during the 37-day treatment period. 饲养试验结果表明,饲喂CMH肥育猪日增重(ADG)提高了2.;87%25(P=0