- The Error Analysis of Checking Result on DC Digital Voltage Meter 直流数字电压表检定结果的误差分析
- In the test system, an intelligent digital voltage meter and a general counter E312A(without GPIB interface function) work synchronously, which eliminates the error caused by nonsynchronous sampling. 实现了智能数字电压表和廉价的计数器E312A(无GPIB接口功能)同步采集数据,从而可消除不同步采样所产生的误差。
- multifunction digital voltage meter 多功能数字电压表
- The Error and Analysis on Direct Current Digital Voltage Meter 直流数字电压表的误差及分析
- Uncertainty evaluation in resistance box calibration by direct current digital voltage meter 直流数字电压表法校准电阻箱测量不确定度的评定
- In the system,Intel 80C196MC is used as control center and IPM is used as an intelligent power device in the main circuit of AC DC AC voltage type inverter. 该系统以80C196MC为控制核心,采用IPM智能功率模块为功率元件,组成了交?直?交电压型逆变器主回路。
- Rectifier-type AC meters cannot be used on DC and are generally designed as voltage meters. 整流器式交流表是不能用于直流的,而且它一般被设计为电压表。
- A nanovoltmeter is a very sensitive voltage meter. 纳伏表是一种非常灵敏的电压表,如图1-3所示。
- digital voltage meter 数字电压表
- AC-DC digital voltage meter 交直流两用数字电压表
- DC motor speed to achieve the first to convert AC DC, which requires rectification circuit. 要实现直流电机调速首先要把交流电转换为直流,这就需要整流电路。
- PWM microelectronic c ontrol technique and AC DC AC DC invert technique with MOSFET half bri... 具有短接限流、限时衰减和恒流、恒压相结合的特点。
- Electric control board control all the operation of spray drying operation, it include voltage meter, electric current meter, AC thermograph, air switch, adjusting pressure meter, control meter, etc. 喷雾干燥工艺过程的操作、控制集中在电气控制柜上进行,电控柜由电压表、电流表、空气开关、交流接触器、可控硅调压表、温度显示、控制仪表,可控硅,大功率二极关等电气元件组成。
- This system adopts Siemens S7-300 PLC, Eurotherm 590P series DC digital drive distribution I/O and touch panel to form a PROFIBUS-DP network. 本系统采用西门子公司的S7-300 PLC、欧陆公司(Eurotherm)的全数字直流控制装置590P、分布式I/O和触摸屏来组建PROFIBUS-DP总线网络。
- Violent power oscillation will occur in independent AC DC combined power supply and may hamper the normal operation when the parameters of the generator and the DC motor load do not match. 交直流一体独立发电机系统在发电机和负载参数不满足一定条件时 ,会发生发电机和反电势负载之间的大幅度功率振荡 ,破坏系统的正常工作。
- AC Peak-to-Peak and RMS Voltage Meter 交流峰峰值与有效值电压表
- Main amplifier is used for amplifying the output signal of preamplifier into digital voltage level. 主放大器把前置放大器的输出信号放大到数字逻辑电平,并且保持数字电平的恒定,以实现限幅的功能。
- A Novel PWM ZVS AC DC Converter with PFC 新颖的含PFC的PWM ZVS AC-DC变换器
- AC DC dual purpose electric motor vehicl 交直两用电车
- To use the elements,you should prepare the adjustable transformer or silicon controlled transformer,voltage meter,current meter and autocontrol temperature meter etc. 使用元件必须配备调压变压器或可控硅调压器及电压、电流表和温度自动控制仪表等。