- 苹果浓缩汁中的氨基态氮(AAN)含量随贮存时间增加而下降、随贮存温度升高下降速率加快。AAN contents of the AJC samples decrease as a function of storage and temperature.
- aldol反应aldol reaction
- Aldol缩合Aldol condensation
- 直接Aldol反应direct aldol reaction
- 在大量病因学研究基础上,我国学者提出“中草药肾病”的命名欠妥,应称之为马兜铃酸肾病(Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy,AAN)。Based on a great deal of etiological research, scholars in our country alleged it should be named by "Aristolochic Acid Nephropathy"(AAN) rather than CHN.
- Aldol缩合反应Aldol condensation
- Aldol羟醛缩合Aldol reaction
- 加工过程中除了超滤对氨基态氮(AAN)几乎没有影响外,其它单元操作都可降低果汁中AAN的含量,特别是吸附、浓缩和后巴氏杀菌对其均有明显的影响。Ultrafiltration (UF) has hardly effect on AAN, however, other unit operations can reduce the content of ANN especially in concentration, adsorption and second pasteurization.
- 直接不对称Aldol反应direct asymmetric aldol reaction
- aldol-α-naphthylamine醛醇-α-萘胺
- 模拟醛缩酶催化不对称直接Aldol反应新进展Recent Progress in Aldolase-Mimic Catalyzed Direct Asymmetric Aldol Reaction
- 新颖有机催化剂的合成及催化不对称直接Aldol反应研究Studies on Synthesis of Novel Chiral Organocatalysts and Its Evaluations for Asymmetric Direct Aldol Reactions
- 固载脯氨酸类手性催化剂的制备及在不对称Aldol反应中的催化作用Preparation of Supported Proline-derived Chiral Catalysts and Their Catalytic Application in Asymmetric Aldol Reactions
- 它们主要被用来催化Aldol,烯丙基化,Diels-Alder,Ene和Friedel-Crafts等反应.They were principally used to catalyze aldol, allylation, Diels-Alder, ene and Friedel-Crafts reactions.
- 高分子负载的羟基脯氨酸催化丙酮与邻-和对-硝基苯甲醛的不对称直接Aldol加成反应Polymer-Supported Hydroxyproline as a Catalyst for Direct Asymmetric Aldol Addition of Acetone to o- And p-Nitrobenzaldehyde