- Revealing mistakes: The gas flame used to simulate muzzle flash can be seen in a Japanese AA gun. 可以在日本的高射炮上看见用来摹似炮口的闪光的气(有说明是什么气体)焰。
- Considering the elastic deformation of the barrel,the AA gun is simplified into a multi-rigid body dynamic model. 同时考虑身管弹性变形,建立了火炮发射时的多刚体动力学模型。
- It can gather the relevant parameters of azimuth, angle of fire and vector collimator when AA gun is running. 实时采集了火炮转动瞄准的方位角、射角和向量式瞄准具的相应工作参数。
- All men are afraid Black of eyelash curlers. Mail I sleep with one under my pillow, insteadg of aa gun. 所有男人都害怕睫毛夹。所以我的枕头下面放着一个睫毛夹,而不是一把抢。
- Dynamic analysis and study on the self-propelled AA gun during the firing is made based on a certain self-propelled AA gun engineering practice. 结合某自行高炮的工程实践,对自行高炮的射击过程进行了动力学分析与研究。
- The majority of support company is deployed at about 200m, at the edge of a wood, with the 81mm mortars and a 20mm Mle1939 (Oerlikon) AA gun. 支援连队的主力部署在森林的边缘约200米处,其它部队包括几门81mm迫击炮和1门20mm高射炮炮。
- A laser -based simulating AA Gun training system is manufactured on multidimensional floating technology, sensor technology and laser simulation technology. 运用二维浮动平台技术、传感器技术、激光技术等研制新一代高炮激光模拟实弹系统。
- This article analysizes the problems in the AA Gun course setter which happened in combat training. The author set forward ways and principles to improve the structure design. 分析了某型牵引高射炮航路装定器在作战训练中存在的问题,提出了改进结构的设计思想和结构设计原理。
- For increasing accuracy of ship-borne AA gun firing,the effect on weapon system line of sight and firing put on by rocking of shop-borne platform mast be eased. 为提高船载高炮射击的精度,必须消除船体晃动对武器系统瞄准线和射击线的影响。
- The model overcomes disadvantages of prior method and can evaluate combat effectiveness of informationized AA gun weapon system quantitatively and comprehensively. 该模型克服了以往用模糊评价法的不足,可定量地综合评价信息化高炮武器系统作战效能。
- AA Guns do not cause splash damage when hitting sandbags. 防炮打中旁边的沙包时将不会受伤。
- SP AA gun system efficiency assessment was based on grey correlative projection method. The assessment model was established by making use of scheme volume, index volume, property matrix. 基于灰色关联投影法的自行高炮武器系统效能评估,利用方案集、指标集、属性矩阵等初始条件。
- This paper describes the latest development and developmentfeatures in foreign AA gun FCS,tank FCS,field artillery FCS,airdefense command and Control systems and communication systems. 本文主要介绍国外高炮,坦克和防空指挥控制系统和通信系统的最额进展与发展特点。
- The thesis uses Kane-Huston method to deduce the differential equations of movement of the AA gun when firing. A computing program is edi- ted and used to calculate the dynamic model,thus all dynamic data of the AA gun are achieved. 运用 Kane-Huston 方法推导了高炮射击时的运动微分方程组,对高炮模型进行了动力学仿真计算与分析,获得了全炮的动态响应。
- Then tactic technical quantitative values affecting synthetic capability of AA Gun system were handled dimen- sionlessly with utility function theory. Finally a model evaluating synthetic capability of small caliber AA Gun weapon system was established. 然后利用效用函数理论,对影响小口径高炮武器系统综合能力的战术技术指标量化值进行无量纲化处理,最终建立了小口径高炮武器系统综合能力的评价模型。
- If the fire control director for AA gun does not cor-rect the base lines from the centre of the guns position to each gun,thefiring error may arisen. 如果高炮系统的指挥仪没有修正炮阵地中心至各炮的基线,则会产生射击误差。
- Suggestions for Development of AA Gun 关于高炮发展的几点建议
- informationized AA gun weapon system 信息化高炮武器
- The bullet was expelled from the gun. 子弹从枪中射出。
- Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。