- A young or small plant. 小植物,植物幼苗幼年的或小型的植物
- A weak chirping sound, as of a young or small bird. 啁啾声微弱的鸟鸣声,如幼鸟或小鸟的叫声
- A young or small fish, especially a young salmon or trout. 鱼苗幼鱼或小鱼,尤指幼鲑鱼或鲑鳟鱼
- A young or inexperienced person. 新手未成年的或无经验的人
- a weak chirping sound,as of a young or small bird 微弱的鸟鸣声,如幼鸟或小鸟的叫声
- a young or small fish,especially a young salmon or trout 幼鱼或小鱼,尤指幼鲑鱼或鲑鳟鱼
- A decorative container for a plant or small tree. 培植器皿,花架容纳植物或小树的装饰性容器
- A swelling or small palpable mass. 肿胀肿块或小的可摸到的块
- A young person, animal, or plant. 年幼的人、动物或植物
- He has grown into a young man of twenty-two. 他已成长为22岁的青年了。
- The child then concludes that it is permissible to mistreat younger or smaller children. 这些孩子就会总结出:他们可以去欺负那些比他们小的孩子。
- He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。
- The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. 列车长原来是一位青年妇女。
- Do you want large or small bill? 您要大票还是小票?
- Frost can kill off a young plant. 严寒会摧毁幼苗。
- He looks to be a young man of twenty. 他看起来就像一个20岁的青年。
- It can change to a large or small genotroph. 它可能转变成大的或小的营养遗传规范。
- A young swan is called a cygnet. 小天鹅叫做“cygnet”。
- A young lieutenant was named for duty. 一名年轻的中尉被任命担任这项职务。
- Does he vomit a large or small amount each time? 每次吐的不太多。