- The leaves gave out a whirring sound. 树叶发出沙沙声。
- A tight belt can also produce a whirring sound. 太紧的皮带同样会制造出沙沙声。
- "He had hardly spoken these words when he heard a whirring sound above his head, and looking up, he saw seven coal-black ravens flying up and away. 他失去了七个儿子,心里非常悲伤,好在小女儿在接受洗礼之后一天比一天强壮起来,而且越长越漂亮了,总算对他这个父亲有了一点安慰。
- There is a bit of a whirring sound from the motor, but it is far from the spaceship-like hum emitted by the electric motor in the Tesla Roadster. 有一点whirring从马达声,但它远离飞船一样嗡嗡声所排放电动机的泰斯拉跑车。
- A whirring sound. 呼呼声
- To make a whirring sound. 发出呼呼声
- Then she heard a strange whirring sound. 然后她听到了一种奇怪的作呼呼声声音。
- There was a whirring of machinery. 有机器发出的嗡嗡声。
- A cooing, a whirring of small wings. 是咕咕声和轻轻得鼓翼声。
- A whirring or hissing sound, as of an object speeding through air. 飕飕声(如物体在空中飞过时的)呼呼声或嘶嘶声
- To make a whirring or hissing sound,as of an object speeding through air. 飕飕作声(如空气中快速飞驶的物体)发出嘶嘶或呼呼声
- To make a whirring or hissing sound, as of an object speeding through air. 飕飕作声(如空气中快速飞驶的物体)发出嘶嘶或呼呼声
- Turning the key initiated the failsafe, making the sky white and the whirring sound. 转动钥匙启动了自动保险装置,使天空变白、出现呼啸声。
- A high-pitched whirring sound begins, and a mechanized double-pronged probe pushes itself into his nose. 一阵高频的呼呼声开始响起,一个机械的双分叉头的探针被推进了他的鼻子。
- Shouts rang shrill from the boys' playfield and a whirring whistle. 操场上传来少年们一片尖叫声和打嘟噜的哨子声。
- "Okay," Todd said, and soon there was a whirring in his left ear. "恩,”托德回答道,紧接着他就感觉到了他左耳里的呼呼声。
- To make a sharp whirring sound. 发出颤鸣声发出尖锐的呼呼声
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。