- A wanton or immoral woman. 坏女人,婊子,娼妇放肆的或不道德的妇女
- A woman considered brazen or immoral. 荡妇被认为轻佻、放荡的女子
- To act,grow,or move in a wanton manner; be wanton. 以一种放荡的方式表演、生长或移动;放荡。
- A wanton woman prefers brawn to brains. 荡妇喜欢肌肉发达的人甚于头脑聪明的人。
- An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit. 不道德行为,恶习邪恶的、堕落的或者不道德的行为或者习惯
- The abandoned garden was left to a wanton growth of weeds. 荒园里杂草丛生。
- To act, grow, or move in a wanton manner; be wanton. 生活奢侈以一种放荡的方式表演、生长或移动; 放荡
- Wanton or cruel killing; carnage. 血腥屠杀无理或残暴的杀害; 屠杀
- The bridegroom bride be an intrigant and an "immoral woman unexpectedly"! 首页>>图片猎奇>>新郎新娘竟是"奸夫"与"淫妇"!
- Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene, prurient, or immoral. 猥亵的东西被认为猥亵的、荒淫的或淫荡的东西,例如语言或印刷物
- a worthless or immoral woman. 毫无价值或淫荡的女人。
- This site rejects any message that is suspected to be unlawful or immoral. 涉嫌违法或有违公共道德之留言将被本网站拒绝。
- She was surprised by a wanton thought that rushed into her mind. 一个放肆的念头在她心里闪过,叫她吃了一惊。
- NIV] keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife. [和合]能保你远离恶妇,远离23外女谄媚的舌头。
- Wisdom will save you from the immoral woman, from the seductive words of the promiscuous woman. 16智慧使你能够抗拒想用甜言蜜语勾引你的女人。
- Free of corruption or immorality. 廉洁的未被玷污的或品行端正的
- There's an overly made-up look about Sun Jou-chia's face.You can tell at a glance she's an immoral woman, which is why she could do such a shameless thing. 孙柔嘉脸上一股妖气,一看就是人上邪道女人,所以会干那种无耻的事。
- If something is enjoyable but illegal or immoral, it will be called a forbidden fruit. 如果一些东西是享受的但是非法的或不道德的,这东西会被说是个禁果。
- It seemed still a wanton impulse, but she had grown more used to it. 这山似乎是一种放纵的冲动,但她已差不多习以为常;
- Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene , prurient, or immoral. 这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。