- A village over the border. 边界对面的村庄
- The criminal escaped over the border. 罪犯逃过了边界。
- The scene is laid in a village far from the city. 故事发生在远离城市的一个小村庄里。
- a village over the river 河对面的村庄
- They glimpsed a village through the trees. 他们透过林隙隐约看见一个村庄。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- Tourists looked at North Korea through telescopes at an observation post near Panmunjom, a village on the border between the two Koreas, Thursday. 在板门店韩方一侧旅游的游客正用了望台上的望远镜观察朝鲜。朝鲜拟于4月初发射一枚新式火箭。
- He managed to evade capture and escaped over the border. 他设法逃脱了追捕并逃过了边境。
- You running immigrants over the border again, coyote? |你又偷带非法移民过境了,小狼?
- The two bulls were very tame. Just like being trained, they brought the box across the border and walked straight to a village in Israel called Beth Shemesh. 这两只牛很温驯,就像受过训练一样,带着这个盒子越过边界,直往前走到以色列一个叫做伯斯麦的地方。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- Hundreds of people rioted in Menga, a village on the border with Myanmar, in a dispute between rubber farmers and the management of the factory to which they sold their produce. 在毗邻缅甸的孟连,胶农与收购他们产品的工厂发生争执,数百人骚乱。
- It's funny, thought, the village over the hill - no one's ever lost a cow before. 有一点很可笑,山那一边的村落,村民们从来没有丢失牛匹。
- A slogan is over the blackboard. 一条标语在黑板正上方。
- Jack: So you are planning to go over the border in a single Combat Talon? 所以你打算只用一架“战爪”运输机来越过边境?
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。
- Having taken a bath in the raw in a cold mountain stream, we went to a village. 在冰冷的山间小溪胡乱洗个澡之后,我们就向一座村庄走去。
- Jack: So you're planning to go over the border in a single Combat Talon? 所以你打算只用一架“战爪”运输机来越过边境?
- Police say there's no way to know for sure how many people remain buried under a mudslide that struck a Taiwan village over the weekend. 台湾警方称无法确认目前仍掩埋在泥石流中的确切人数,上个周末发生的泥石流吞噬了台湾的一个村庄。