- An instance of a type derived from the Component class to register with the client application. 派生自Component类的类型的实例,将向客户端应用程序注册该实例。
- A type derived from the. 类派生的类型。
- All decoder fallbacks must implement a decoder fallback buffer, represented by a type derived from the DecoderFallbackBuffer class, that can pass a string to the conversion operation. 所有解码器回退必须实现解码器回退缓冲区(该缓冲区通过从DecoderFallbackBuffer类派生的类型表示),这样,就可以将字符串传递给转换操作。
- Property governs the appearance of any text displayed in the footer item of a type derived from. 派生的类型的脚注项中显示的任何文本的外观。
- The ItemStyle property governs the appearance of any text data displayed by a type derived from DataControlField. ItemStyle属性控制从DataControlField派生的类型显示的任何文本数据的外观。
- Any type derived from the Object class can be assigned to this property. 从Object类派生的任何类型都可以分配给该属性。
- Array types are reference types derived from the abstract base type Array. 数组类型是从抽象基类型Array派生的引用类型。
- DITA includes three information types derived from the base topic type: task, concept, and reference. DITA包括三种从基本主题类型派生的信息类型:任务、概念和参考。
- Please select a type from the drop down combo box. 请从下拉组合框中选择一个类型。
- Showing a dialog box derived from the. 类派生的对话框。
- Class or a class that is derived from the. 类派生的类来定义。
- Access is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class. 访问仅限于包含类或从包含类派生的类型。
- The following example defines a Point type derived from the Object class and overrides many of the virtual methods of the Object class. 下面的示例定义一个派生自Object类的Point类型,然后重写Object类的很多虚方法。
- Choose a type from the Type drop-down list. 从“类型”下拉列表中选择一个类型。
- The revenue is derived from the following sources. 岁入来自如下财源。
- This base implementation of the Initialize method is often called from the overridden method to reset properties common to all column types derived from the DataGridColumn class. 该Initialize方法基实现经常从重写方法中调用以重置从DataGridColumn类派生的所有列类型共有的属性。
- It is derived from the concept of a void. 它是源自于“空”的概念。
- A primitive type can be cast to any type derived from that primitive type. 基元类型可以转换为该基元类型所派生的任何类型。
- This fruit was derived from the tropical islands. 这种水果产自热带岛屿。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。