- Many adoption cases tug at the heartstrings. 许多收养案例都会触动人们的心弦。
- A tug at the heartstrings. 触动心弦
- Adventure tugs at the heartstrings of youth. 冒险活动强烈扣动青年人的心弦。
- The story about the death of a young child was one that really tugged at the heartstrings. 有关那个孩子之死的故事真是催人泪下。
- Meanwhile, Procter &Gamble's Gillette brand plans to amp up a family-centric campaign for its razors that is meant to tug at the heartstrings -- and keep customers from switching to cheaper brands. 与此同时,宝洁公司(Procter&GambleCo.;)旗下的吉列(Gillette)品牌计划开展一项以家庭为中心的剃刀营销活动,意在触动人们的心弦,防止顾客转而使用更便宜的品牌。
- Paula Tsui, a superstar in pop music with lasting charm, has tugged at the heartstrings of millions of music fans with her unique resonating voice. 徐小凤,乐坛上的一颗天皇巨星,以其独特的磁性歌喉感动万千乐迷的心弦。
- The movie last night really tugged at the heartstring. 昨晚的电影真是催人泪下。
- There is going to be a tug at the heart. Emotion may vary in religious experience. Some people are stoical and others are demonstrative, but the feeling will be there. 人的心会受到触动;在信仰经历中,体会不同,情感各异。有的深藏不露,有的喜形于外,但感情总在那儿。
- Yes,unless you have a heart of stone. This movie tugs at the heartstrings and yet has enough action and humor to keep the kids occupied. 除非你铁石心肠,你绝对会喜欢这部电影。它会拨动你的心弦,同时也有足够多的动作戏和幽默桥段让小孩子笑开怀。
- He gave a tug at a glistening, pale piece of her hair. 他拉了拉安娜一缕暗淡闪光的头发。
- Stopping in the little town of Clayton, he stayed at a fisherman's motel and spent two mornings shooting the towboats and an afternoon on a tug at the invitation of a pilot he met in a local bar. 他在克雷顿的小镇住下,在一家渔夫开的汽车旅馆下榻,用两个早晨拍摄那些拖轮,应一个他在当地酒吧结识的驾驶员之请在一艘拖船上度过了一个下午。
- An hour or so later the fisherman felt a tug at his pant leg. 过了大约一个小时,钓鱼的人觉得什么东西在拽他的裤脚。
- Adventure tugs at the heartstrings of youth。; 冒险活动强烈扣动青年人 的心弦。
- A wry smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. 他的嘴角带一丝苦笑。
- Around noon, something suddenly tugs at the line. 中午时分,突然有东西拉住了钓线。
- The dog tugged at the chain and broke it. 那只狗用力拉那链子,而且弄坏它。
- The naughty boy gave his sister's hair a tug. 那顽皮的男孩用力扯了一下他姐姐的头发。
- Suddenly there was a tug at Jairus’ sleeve.One of his servants was there to tell him that his daughter had died. 背后突然有人拉扯著睚鲁的衣袖,原来是他的仆人前来报信,说他的女儿已经死了。
- A tug pulled the bow of the ship round. 一艘拖轮牵引着那条船的船头把它转了个方向。
- I felt a tug at my sleeve. 我觉得有人拽了一下我的袖子。