- A surface shininess or luster. 光泽,光彩
- Having the hardness or luster of a diamond. 似金刚石的具有金刚石的硬度或光泽的
- A surface, layer, or mass of frozen water. 冰面冻结的水的面、层或块
- The art or process of applying gilt to a surface. 镀金,涂金在表面镀金的过程或技术
- To give a bright sheen or luster to. 使有光泽,光彩
- A fine crack in a surface or glaze. (陶瓷器)表面的裂缝
- A series of marks grilled or embossed on a surface. 受烤炙烙或印在一个表面上的一系列印记
- A surface in the form of a coil or screw. 螺旋面具有线盘或螺丝形状的表面
- Resembling gold, as in color or luster. 光彩耀目的在颜色或光泽上象黄金的
- It was a surface wound and soon healed. 那是一个表面伤,不久便长好了。
- The act of brushing or scraping along a surface. 轻擦沿一平面擦或刮的动作
- A protruding or receding part in a surface or line. 凸出(或凹入)部分在一个表面或线条上凸出或凹入的部分
- To apply a surface of rock fragments or pebbles to. 用砂砾铺覆以岩石碎片或卵石的表面
- A tool for stamping a design on a surface. 压印器一种在表面上打印出图案的工具
- A slight depression or indentation in a surface. 凹痕表面上轻微的下陷或凹陷
- A material encrusted on a surface. 硬壳表面表面的硬壳状物
- To mark or engrave(a surface)with words or letters. 雕刻,标志在(表面上)标上或雕上词或字母
- A design or text engraved on a surface. 雕刻样式雕刻于表面之上的图案或文字
- A similar mark cut or scratched into a surface. 缝隙在表面留下的切痕或刮痕
- To spread or become extended over a surface. 扩散,笼罩在表面上扩散或延伸