- A stock price ex dividend. 不包括股息的股票价格
- A stock price ex dividend 不包括股息的股价
- Of course, such a stock price isn't something any company relishes. 当然,任何公司对自己股票的这个价位水平都不会喜欢。
- A downward tendency, as in the price of a stock. 下降趋势如股票价格等的下降趋势
- A stock price at a specific time is an event, as is a sports score, or a product delivery message. 特定时间的股票价格、体育比赛的分数或产品的交付信息都是事件。
- A stock quote service that returns the stock price associated with a specified ticker symbol. 股票报价服务,返回与指定股票行情自动收录器符号相关的股票价格。
- Basing A period in which a stock price has very little or no trend resulting in a flat price pattern. 股价变化极少甚至没有变动,造成股价持平的时期。
- He says the goal is to stop naked shorting that is done abusively to drive down a stock price. 他说目的是为了阻止空卷买卖这个被滥用而使股价大副下挫的行为。
- He says the goal is to stop naked shorting that is down (done) abusively to drive down a stock price. 他说目标是停止被咒骂的卖空行为导致一支股票价格下降。
- And yes, once a stock price starts to move down, it will decline until there's a clear reversal. 一旦股票价格开始上升,这一趋势将持续下去,直到有一个明确的逆转。
- In today's litigious society, selling a product that can kill can have detrimental effects to a stock price, just ask Merck shareholders. 在眼下这个喜好诉讼的社会中,出售一种可能致命的产品将对股价产生不利影响,这一点可以问问默克制药的股东。
- Zhu Yaoming,who raisd RMB4.8b from thousands of people to invest in the stock market,pleaded guilty to a stock price manipulation charge. 朱耀明向数千人筹集了4.;8亿人民币用以投资股市,现已对操纵股价的指控俯首认罪。
- Stock prices took a tumble in the afternoon. 股票价格下午猛跌。
- Investors regard them as gimmicky, an attempt to prop up a stock price to lure more institutional investors into buying the shares and, in many cases, to avoid a delisting. 投资者们将其视为障眼法,目的就是推高股价、吸引更多的投资者买进该股,在很多情况下还是为了不被摘牌。
- I took a gamble that stock prices would rise. 我冒着股票可能上涨的风险
- We are expecting a fall in stock prices. 我们预料股市价格将要下跌。
- He said that although they continue to believe that the Wyndham hotel brand value very well, but the stock price can not be solely to determine whether a stock is worth buying. 他表示,虽然他们仍然认为温德姆酒店的品牌价值相当出众,但不能单凭股价来判断一支股票是否值得买进。
- Once a stocks price starts moving up, the trend will continue until there is a clear reversal. 一旦股票价格开始上升,这一趋势将持续下去,直到有一个明确的逆转。
- A downward tendency,as in the price of a stock. 下降趋势如股票价格等的下降趋势
- For example, a stock application can generate notifications about current stock prices and end-of-day portfolio value. 例如,股票应用程序可以生成有关当前股价和当日投资组合市值的通知。