- A specified day of a month. 月份中特定的一天
- A day is about one thirtieth of a month. 一天大约是一个月的三十分之一。
- Obtains the shortest abbreviated day name for a specified day of the week associated with the current. 对象关联的周中指定天的最短日期名缩写。
- Function to obtain the day of the month from a specified date. 函数从指定日期中获取月份中的某一天。
- The miners stayed out for the best part of a month. 矿工们持续罢工了近一个月之久。
- The cal_days_in_month() function returns the number of days in a month of a specified year and calendar. 函数的作用是:返回指定日历、年份的某个月份的天数。
- With information on which portion of a month calendar control is at a specified x- and y-coordinate. 包含有关月历控件的哪个部分位于指定的x和y坐标处的信息。
- She usually felt the pinch at the end of a month. 她通常在月底感到手头很紧。
- Having a border especially of a specified kind. 特别是有特定类型的边。
- The ninth day before the ides of a month; in the ancient Roman calendar, the seventh day of March, May, July, or October and the fifth day of the other months. 古罗马历中自三、五、七、十各月的十五日起算的前第九日即三、五、七、十各月的第七日; 其它各月的第五日
- Having an edge or edges of a specified type. 有某类刀口、边缘等的。
- Calculates on which day of the year a specified date occurs. 计算指定日期出现在年中的哪一天。
- Now suppose you want to track the same information not only for every day of a month but also for every month of the year. 现在假设不仅要跟踪一个月中每一天的同一信息,还要跟踪当年每个月中每一天的同一信息。
- Colour swatch: A sample of a specified colour. 色 (颜色样本):某个颜色的样本。
- Sets the length of a stream to a specified value. 将流的长度设置为指定的值。
- The terms "first half,""second half"of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th, and the 16th to the last day of such month, all dates inclusive. 上半月和下半月应分别理解为自每月1日至15日和16日至月末最后一天,包括起迄日。
- Calculates on which day of the month a specified date occurs. 计算指定日期出现在月中的哪一天。
- By the negative of a specified size. 按指定大小的负值平移。
- The terms "first half" and "second hald"of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive. “前半月”及“后半月”分别指一个月的第一日到第十五日及第十六日到该月的最后一日,起讫日期计算在内。
- Returns the integer part of a specified number. 返回数字的整数部分。