- A sound defeat, beating, or punishment. 责骂,击败或惩罚
- In the end, the enemy force suffered a sound defeat and soon withdrew from the front. 最后,敌人遭受沉重的打击,很快就逃离了前线。
- A sound defeat. 完全击败
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- It was a sound strategy to defeat the enemy. 那是战胜敌人的良策。
- He was a man with a sound constitution. 他是个体质强健的人。
- He is waken up by a sound, and has been leaped. 他被撞击声所惊醒,一跃而起。
- He has a sound knowledge of science. 他有扎实的科学知识。
- She soon dropped into a sound sleep. 她很快就睡熟了。
- His arguments had a sound economic base. 他的立论在经济方面是有充分根据的。
- Having a sound basis; well-founded. 基础扎实的; 根据充分的
- The amplitude or loudness of a sound. 音量声音的响度或强度
- So absorbed was he that we didn't dare to make a sound. 他是那样全神贯注,我们都不敢出声了。
- A sound of laughter issued from the adjoining room. 从隔壁房间里传出一阵笑声。
- He has been soundly defeated at chess. 他在国际象棋比赛中一败涂地。
- The farmhands gave the landlord a sound beating. 雇工们把这地主痛打了一顿。
- The noise waked us all out of a sound sleep. 这声音把我们都从熟睡中吵醒。
- A sound from Fleur distracted his attention. 芙蕾的声音分散了他的心思。
- The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base. 那对新婚夫妇因缺乏坚实的经济基础决定实行计划生育。
- A blow or fall causing such a sound. 引起这种声响的打击或下落