- A small but fine collection. 收藏不多但是很精美。
- The play drew a small but appreciative crowd. 这场戏吸引了为数不多但有鉴赏力的观众
- The protesters are a small but vocal minority. 抗议的人虽然人数少; 但却是直言的少数.
- A small but warm and cozy home can be lovable. ( 小巧而温暖窝心的家,也是讨人喜爱的。
- It's a small but difficult injury. 这个伤不大可是也很麻烦。
- A small but aggressive and spirited person. 矮小但勇猛好斗的人
- A small but powerful words can make a big miracle. 小但有力的话能创造大的奇迹。
- Wooden bench - augurs a small but pleasing profit. 木制的长凳--预示有一笔小的利润。
- His resistance lies in an alleyway at WenXing Street with Miao feature, southern shingle structure,small but fine. 故居在古城北文星街的一个小巷里,房屋为四合院系南方古式的木瓦结构,比较矮小但很精致,基本保持原来风貌,很有苗族情调。
- They found a small but significant increase in male infections. 他们发现,男子的感染率明显略高于女子。
- We could supposedly emerge as a smaller but healthier company. 我们可以作为一个规模较小但较为健康的公司而东山再起。
- She had an efficient Westernized army and a small but sound fleet. 她有一支能征善战的陆军,还有一支小而精干的海军舰队。
- The collector has acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings. 这位收藏家收集到大量印象派绘画。
- The Place:A small but quiet pond,which named heaven by the frog . 地点:一个小却清幽的池塘,即被青蛙称作天堂的地方。
- He had a fine collection of unmarried women. 他认识不少未婚妇女。
- She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. 她收藏了一批做工精细的波希米亚玻璃制品。
- It's the thought that counts(= used about a small but kind action or gift). 贵在心意。
- We have a fine collection of Manets and Rnoirs. 我们有莫奈和雷诺阿的一系列精美馆藏。
- I now have to record a small but at the time vexatious military episode. 现在我不得不记述一段军事上的插曲,事情虽小,但在当时却令人恼恨。
- He has a fine collection of stamps. 他收集了一批精美的邮票。