- A sketchy or brief prose work. 随笔粗略的或简短的散文作品
- I have only a sketchy knowledge of geography. 我对地理只是一知半解。
- It was a sketchy, inadequate and dangerous scheme. 这是一个粗略的、考虑不周而且危险的计划。
- Many periodical indexes contain abstracts or brief summaries of the articles. 许多期刊索引包含文章的摘要或者简要的总结。
- Choose a soft pencil that allows you to work both in a sketchy fashion and to do a tight cleanup. 选用那种既能让你用简略的风格作画,笔迹又便于擦除的铅笔作画。
- It was a sketchy version patched together with a lot of guesswork. 这是个七拼八凑的故事,其中还掺杂许多猜想。
- Again, the few books written by Chinese experts on Xu, including a biography by Xu's wife, offer either sketchy or incorrect accounts of the time Xu spent here. 可是,看过几部中国人研究徐悲鸿的著作,包括徐悲鸿夫人廖静文著的徐大师的传记,对于徐大师的狮城岁月,要吗轻描淡写,要吗记载有误。
- Considered as the first important Urdu prose work, his immortal book Sab Ras is still taught in MA Urdu courses in some Universities of both South Asia. 考虑作为第一重要Urdu散文工作,他不朽的书Sab Ras的仍然被教在MA Urdu路线在一些大学两南亚。
- Negative interactions in the experiment included slaps or brief shocks with electrical prodders. 实验中之负面互动包括打击或短暂的用电击棒电击.
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。
- Right control of prana (or the life currents) is external, internal or motionless; it is subject to place, time and number and is also protracted or brief. 正确的调息(控制命气)于外、于内,以至于静止不动,皆要依地点、时间和息数而调整呼吸的行气与住气。
- In fact, many CAD tools have an option for rendering drawings with a“ sketchy” look for precisely this reason. 实际上,CAD的工具中有个选项可以把图描绘成看起来像草图一样,似乎出于这个原因。
- Over the trees appear some distant mountains, but merely in a sketchy silhouette. 树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只有些大意罢了。
- In fact, many CAD tools have an option for rendering drawings with a “sketchy” look for precisely this reason. 实际上,CAD的工具中有个选项可以把图描绘成看起来像草图一样,似乎出于这个原因。
- In fact, many CAD tools have an option for rendering drawings with a “sketchy” look for divcisely this reason. 实际上,CAD的工具中有个选项可以把图描绘成看起来像草图一样,似乎出于这个原因。
- He writes a very clear simple prose. 他写着一手简洁而明快的好散文。
- In order to internationalization, setting a interlinear signboard with Chinese and English. A sketchy look with English style makes the city more staidness and various. 运用简洁与足够方向感之中英对照指标,强化国际型城市与外来旅客之亲切度,俭约质感能托映出城市隐含的内敛与丰富度,也承袭浓厚的英式美感。
- Again,the few books written by Chinese experts on Xu,including a biography by Xu's wife,offer either sketchy or incorrect accounts of the time Xu spent here. 可是,看过几部中国人研究徐悲鸿的著作,包括徐悲鸿夫人廖静文著的徐大师的传记,对于徐大师的狮城岁月,要吗轻描淡写,要吗记载有误。
- He gets a work that gives scope for his abilities. 他得到了一份有机会发挥他才能的工作。
- In addition to painting, poetry and photography, my major activity is going around everywhere.Now I have got several personal anthologies and collections of prose works published. 除了画画、写诗、摄影、还有就是四处行走,有多种个人诗集、散文集出版。