- Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on. 有时候,你只是想要一个哭泣时可以倚靠的肩头。
- Do you need a shoulder to cry on? 你需要可以靠著哭泣的肩膀吗?
- She often returns to her parents' home, knowing that her mother will always provide a shoulder to cry on. 她经常回父亲的家里,因为她知道母亲总是会给她以同情和慰藉的。
- I'm really disappointed that he is not a shoulder to cry on. 我很失望,他并不是我再换难是可以依赖的人。
- Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on once in a while. 任何人偶尔都需要一个在患难时可以依赖的人。
- Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. 宝贝儿,每个人的一生总有一些时候需要有个肩膀可以靠着哭泣。
- My daughter has been married for ten years yet she still comes home to see me when she wants a shoulder to cry on. 我女儿已结婚10年了,但她有苦楚时还是回家来找我。
- She often returns to her parents'home,knowing that her mother will always provide a shoulder to cry on. 她经常回父亲的家里,因为她知道母亲总是会给她以同情和慰藉的。
- B: Don't worry. I can help you out. You know I'll always give you a shoulder to cry on. 别着急,我来帮我。你知道在你患难的时候我总是你可以依赖的人。
- I only hope that you have enough love and friends, so you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you need it. 我只愿你有足够的爱和朋友,这样,当你需要时,总有一个肩膀给你哭泣。”
- When the student got the score from the entrance exam she needed a shoulder to cry on. 当那名学生得知入学考试成绩的时候,她需要有人来安慰。
- Dodie:She's just broken up with her boyfriend so she needed a shoulder to cry on. 多迪:她刚刚和男朋友决裂了,需要向人哭诉,寻求慰藉。
- I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it. 我只是希望你有足够的爱心和朋友,这样在你需要的时候,你总可以找到一个倚靠着哭泣的肩膀。”
- All it takes is a bug, a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch, a sympa thetic nature and an ear that listens. 一切只需要一个拥抱、一个可以哭诉的肩膀、一次友好的接触、一种同情心和一双倾听的耳朵。
- I love my mother because she is a shoulder to cry on, a smile to count on, and a love to live on. 我爱我的母亲!因为我们可以靠在她的肩膀上面哭泣;她的微笑让我们信赖;让我们靠著她的爱活著。
- You'll always have my shoulder to cry on. 你永远都会有我的肩膀可以哭泣。
- That lesson can best be summarized by something Alisa and Karen told me when I was upset at the end of last semester and needed a shoulder to cry on. 那一课可以用艾莉莎和卡伦对我说过的一番话来做一个最好的总结。当时是最后一个学期期末,我灰心沮丧,需要靠在一个人肩上痛哭一场。
- Shoulder, a shoulder to cry on. 需要一个肩膀让我们哭泣。
- Quite why lovely, bright Hermione (Watson) longs for bumbling Ron (Grint) is a mystery, but as he becomes an unlikely sex symbol due to his Quidditch exploits, Harry offers a shoulder to cry on. 聪明美丽的赫敏(沃特森饰)为什么会对经常犯错的罗恩(格林特饰)暗许芳心让人不得而知。而当罗恩由于在魁地奇杯上的出色表现而成为异性追逐的对象时,赫敏只好找到哈利哭诉。
- Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on 每个人都需要一个可以哭泣的肩膀