- Under the Equal Opportunity Act sexual harassment includes an unwelcome sexual advance or request for sexual favours or unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. 根据平等机会法案,性骚扰包括不受欢迎的性示好、或要求性好处、或任何不受欢迎的具有性实质的行为。
- A sexual advance. 性方面的亲狎
- Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. 性骚扰指的是令人讨厌的性示意,要求(提供)性服务或指其它本质上的性行为例如用语言或肢体行为进行骚扰。
- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment. 不受欢迎的“性 ”方面提议,要求“性 ”的施惠,及其它有关“性 ”性质的言语或实际行动都构成性骚扰。
- There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper. 今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。
- A sexual invitation or overture. 调情或勾引性的吸引或主动表示
- To seek out and make a sexual overture to. 猎奇,猎艳找出性对象并发出进攻
- A sexual or romantic approach or proposal. 性感或浪漫的方法或手段
- To look in(a public area) for a sexual partner. 寻觅性伴侣在(公共场所)寻觅性伴侣
- A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. 娈童与男人有性关系的男孩
- A man who has a sexual relationship with a boy. 鸡奸者和男孩有性关系的男人
- A sexual encounter with a kitchen appliance. 与厨房用品的性行为.
- Their creativity seems to act like a sexual magnet. 创造力的高低看似就象性磁力的强度。
- Of or involved in a sexual relationship. 通奸的属于或卷入性关系的
- Eagerly seeking a sexual partner. 急切地追求伴侣。
- To look for a sexual partner, as in a public place. 猎艳,寻欢寻觅性伴侣,如在公共场合中
- He made sexual advances to her in an unsubtle way. 他露骨地向她表明了性企图。
- Sometimes harassment can be of a sexual nature. 有时候,骚扰也可以是性骚扰行为。
- Zoltan: I don't see her as a sexual being. 佐尔坦:我没有看到她作为一个性。
- Could it be a sexual signal, some snicker. 有人窃笑,它会不会是一个求爱信号。