- A roll of fat flesh. 皮肤皱褶肥肉的折卷部分
- The desk calculator use a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- Please buy a roll of film for me. 请给我买一卷底片。
- I bought a roll of film for a camera. 我买了一卷照相胶卷。
- How many photos can be taken with a roll of film? 一卷胶卷可拍多少张照片?
- I have get a roll of colored film. Please develop it and make one print each exposure. 我有一卷彩色胶卷。请把它冲洗一下,并且每张底片各印一张照片。
- I want a roll of 36 exposures of color film,please. 请给我一卷36张的彩色胶卷。
- I want to buy a roll of film for my camera. 我想要替我的照相机买一卷底片。
- I'll buy a roll of film to take pictures. 我要买一卷胶卷照相。
- The desk calculatoruse a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- Could you pick up a roll of paper towels? 你能买一卷纸巾吗?
- Rolls of fat hung over his belt. 一堆肥肉坠在他的腰带上。
- I had a roll of film developed last week. 我上星期冲了一卷胶卷。
- Please give me a roll of Kodak film. 请给我一卷柯达的软片。
- A single picture on a roll of movie film. 画面电影的一系列画面中的单独一个。
- Have you seen a roll of transparent tape? 你有没有看到一卷透明的胶布?
- I bought a roll of colour (color) film. 我买了一个彩色胶卷儿。
- A roll of postage stamps prepared for use in a vending machine. 一卷邮票准备用于自动售货机的一卷邮票
- The camera has already got a roll of color film in it. 这架相机里已经装有一卷彩色底片。
- She snappeda rubber band deftly around a roll of bills. 她熟练地把橡皮筋往一卷钞票上一箍。