- A rip current. 离岸流,退潮流
- Between these islands there is a rip. 在这些岛屿之间有一道大浪。
- The 100 dollar jacket is such a rip off! 这件100美元的夹克根本不值这个价钱,它太贵了!
- The film was a rip roaring success. 这部影片极为成功.
- God save me.This sandwich is a rip off! 天哪,这块三明治质差价高,简直是在骗人。
- The sand carried outside the bar is spread out over the slope by the expanding head of the rip current. 从砂洲外面搬出去的砂质物,在急流的汹涌水头作用下被展布于整个斜坡上。
- A tip to avoid the rip current all together is to avoid areas where marine debris is moving outward and the water is darker and choppy. 对于避免潮汐同时也要避免海面上的残渣,这些致使海水变的更黑和急动。
- Let me tell you a rip snorter about a farmer and his cow. 我来给你们讲一个有关农夫与奶牛的笑话。
- A word of warning: Rip currents here can be strong and drownings do occur. 夜色降临,我们盘踞在草棚的瞭望台上贪婪的吮吸着海风拂来的潮味,聆听着海浪扑打的声音,极目远望,黑洞洞的海面如此的深邃,叹息着大自然的高深莫测。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的猫的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- The storms have authorities in Florida keeping people out of the water because of rip currents. 由于飓风造成的激流,佛罗里达当局禁止人们靠近当地海域。
- Drifter measurements in a laboratory rip current 在一个实验室裂流中的漂流测量
- Restore old photos. With Image Doctor, restoring that precious old shot is a breeze. Select a rip or scratch and Image Doctor heals it. 恢复旧照片。与医生的形象,恢复珍贵的老开枪是一件轻而易举的。选择一个扯裂或划痕和形象医生医治。
- The cell phone vendor is really a rip off since it never provides spare parts that it is supposed to. 这个手机厂商从不提供该提供的备件,真坑人。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。
- Starting at the bottom with our rainbow strip denim which is actually a rip stop using space dyed yarns. 厚重织物中,我们以一种彩条牛仔布作为开始。实际上这种面料是将段染纱织成防裂组织结构。
- I'd like to open a current account with you. 我想在你们这儿开一个活期存款帐户。
- We all moan about Gosport ferry being a rip off but what would we do without it!! 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- "A number of our past Blu-ray comparisons relied on a rip from Casino Royale to measure performance. 如果你明白关于蓝光影碟的加密情况,你就会明白上面那是鬼话。
- I should like to open a current account. 我想开一个活期存款帐户。