- It is a paradox that such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it. 如此富足的国家竟有如此多的穷人,这是个矛盾的现实。
- The Rhineland is a rich country and produces food and wine. 莱茵区是一个富庶地区,生产粮食和葡萄酒。
- It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should is so many poor people. 这样一个富国中有那么多穷人,这是一种矛盾的现象。
- It is a paradox that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people. 在这么一个富有的国家中竟有这么多穷人,真是咄咄怪事。
- A rich man and his daughter are soon parted. 有钱人和他的女儿,是很快就会分开来的。
- Greece is not a rich country. 希腊不是一个富裕的国家。
- I want to get married; preferably to a rich man. 我想结婚,最好是找到一位有钱人。
- Similarly, when Hurricane Katrina swept across America's Gulf coast on August29 th2005, deluging New Orleans and making more than1 m people homeless, the world realised that nature could smite a rich country as easily as a poor one. 同样,在2005年8月29号,当卡特利娜飓风在美国登陆后,新奥尔良顷刻一片汪洋,100多万人无家可归,人们都认识到,在自然面前,穷国和富国一样无助。
- The research yielded a rich harvest. 该项研究有了丰硕的成果。
- She's ever such a rich woman and ever so ugly, too. 她是一个非常有钱的女人,并且,也是非常难看的女人。
- The shop has a rich assortment of goods. 这个商店有各种各样的货品。
- Italy is a richly historied Mediterranean country. 意大利是个历史悠久的地中海国家。
- It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods. 这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。
- Nowadays, the poor student has become a rich man. 如今,那个穷学生成了富人。
- Beside him sat a rich lady glittering with jewels. 在他旁边坐着一位珠光宝气的富婆。
- She desired to marry a rich man. 她很想嫁个富翁。
- The sailor has a rich stock of tales of adventure. 那个水手满肚子都是探险故事。
- India is a rich productive country. 印度是一个物产丰富的国家。
- The second stage is using the adjustment method of psychophysics to analyze the dynamics optical illusion effect of spiral pattern on column. 第二阶段采用心理物理学中的调整法,研究动力学造形中有关螺旋柱图形的动态错视效果。
- A rich artistic performance, full of nuance. 一场意味深长的艺术表演充满了微妙之处