- A refinement of the calculation is warranted. 计算的精度是可靠的。
- The new plan is a refinement of the one before. 新计划比原计划有改进。
- It is a refinement of the Nash equilibrium concept. 它是纳什均衡概念的一种精炼。
- An xmlSpec tModel is a refinement of the specification tModel type. xmlSpec tModel是规范tModel类型的一个细分。
- a refinement of logic 逻辑的精细 (之点)
- Progressives slowly evolved a refinement of the commission form. 进步派对委员会体制逐步进行精心改进。
- A practitioner of a system of logic. 逻辑学家使用某一逻辑体系的人
- Finally, a refinement of the fixed-length message is the native format message. 最后,对定长消息的进一步细化就是原生格式消息。
- The whole science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. 全部科学只不过是对日常思维的提炼。
- Socrates laid the foundations of logic. 苏格拉底奠定了逻辑学的基础。
- The accumulation of new data during the past decade has brought a refinement of some earlier views and concepts. 最近几十年来;由于不断地积累新资料;从而完善了以前的一些观点和概念.
- This is a refinement of mere lust that allows people to home in on a particular mate. 这是纯粹的欲望的升华,它使人们总能回到某个特定配偶身边。
- He used a reductio ad absurdum form of logic. 这是以子之矛攻子之盾的做法。
- The semantic theory of truth is a refinement of the correspondence theory. (ibid. 真理语意论是从对应论中衍生出来的。
- This is a refinement of mere lust those allows human to habitat in on a particular mate. 这是纯粹的欲望的升华,它使大部分人总能回到某个特定配偶身边。
- What we shall find [in modern physics] is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old wisdom. 我们在(现代物理)中将发现的只是古老智慧的例证、鼓励和精炼。”
- She has a refined way of speaking. 她谈吐优雅。
- The number of matchings on [2n] avoiding both patterns 12312 and 121323 with m crossings is equal towhich is a refinement of the super-Catalan numbers. 通过运用Stanley的振荡杨表与避免12312模式的匹配之间的一一对应,我们刻划了对应于避免12312模式的匹配的振荡杨表。
- A set of logic that is represented by a single Configuration Space. 由单一配置空间来表示的一组逻辑电路。
- If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory. 假如那些小热点看上去同预计的一致,那就意味着又一科学理论获得了胜利,这种理论完善了大爆炸论,亦称宇宙膨胀说。