- A purchasable senator. 腐化堕落的参议员
- corruptible judges; dishonest politicians; a purchasable senator; a venal police officer. 可收买的法官;可买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可贿赂的警官。
- corruptible judges; dishonest politicians; a purchasable senator; a venal police officer 可收买的法官;可买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可贿赂的警官
- 2. corruptible judges; dishonest politicians; a purchasable senator; a venal police officer. 可收买的法官;可买通的政客;可收买的参议员;可贿赂的警官。收藏指正
- Failing a purchaser, he rented the farm. 由於没有买主,他把农场出租。
- The company hade find a purchaser for its warehouse. 公司已经找到了愿意购买其仓库的买主。
- Something bought or for sale; a purchase. 购买买来的或待售的东西; 一桩买卖
- He got a purchase on a branch until we came to his rescue. 他紧紧抓住一根树枝直到我们把他救下来。
- The salesman fasttalked me into making a purchase. 推销员花言巧语地哄我买了他的货。
- She tried to get a purchase on the slippery rock. 她设法抓牢光滑的岩石。
- To postpone payment for a purchase. 赊购货物
- Have you ever made a purchase on-line? 有否在网上购买过物品?
- He sampled the pie before making a purchase. 购买馅饼前他先试尝了一下。
- The price must be legible to a purchaser. 价格要写得清楚些,让买家一眼能辨认出。
- He that learns a trade has a purchase made. 手艺学到手,吃穿都不愁。
- A purchase made by such a right. 先买通过该种权利所进行的购买
- The team leader made up a purchasing list. 生产队长列出一张购货单。
- To purchase goods; act as a purchaser. 买购买货物;做一名购买者
- He had made a purchase of 500 RMB on credit. 他赊购了五百元的物品。
- There is a rebate with a purchase. 购物有折扣。