- Shakespeare was a prolific writer. 莎士比亚是一个多产的作家。
- Mr.Miller was a prolific writer. 他是个多产的作家。
- Premchand was a prolific writer who produced several books. Premchand是生产几本书的一位多产作家。
- Crane was a prolific writer throughout his short life. 作家克雷恩在其短暂的一生中创作了许多作品。
- He was a prolific writer, producing over 60 plays, 18 of which are extant. 他是一位高产作家,写了60多种杂剧,流传至今的有18种。
- A prolific writer. 多产的作家
- Trollope's strict work routine enabled him to keep his day job as a civil servant while being such a prolific writer. 特罗洛普严格的工作常规使他成为一名如此多产的作家同时仍能让他白天做好公务员这份差使。
- Edith Wharton was an important as well as a prolific writer at the turn of century. 伊迪丝·华顿是美国十九世纪末二十世纪初的一位重要作家,一生著作颇丰。
- Sartre was a prolific writer of novels, dramas, essays, biographical or philosophical essays. 摘要沙特是一位多产作家,其作品包括小说、戏剧、散文、传记或哲学论述。
- Langston Hughes, a prolific writer of the 1920’s, was concerned with the depicting the experience of urban Black people in the United States. 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,教育人生网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
- Since Drabble is a prolific writer with a variety of concerns, it is hard to cover all of her novels in a single limited study like this. 德拉布尔是一位丰富多产的作家,其关注点也很多,要在这样一个篇幅有限的论文中讨论她的全部作品是很难的。
- Walter Block Harold E. Wirth Endowed Chair in Economics at Loyola University New Orleans, Senior Faculty member and speaker of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and a prolific writer. 沃特布洛克哈罗德,新奥尔良洛优拉大学的经济学主席,高级教工成员,并且还是路德威格研究会发言人和多产的作家。
- Mei is a prolific writer and columnist on the subject of photography.He now teaches for the Taipei Photography Association, Chiao Tung University, Tzu Chi Foundation, and Macronix International Co. 于报章月刊连载摄影专栏,并著有摄影集,现于交通大学、慈济功德会、旺宏电子公司等处任摄影指导。
- a prolific writer; a fecund imagination. 多产的作家;丰富的想象力。
- Last year was a prolific period in the composer's life. 去年是作曲家一生中创作丰收的时期。
- Before 1933, by contrast, he was a prolific author. 相较而言,1933年之前,他算是一名多产的作者。
- He was a prolific writer but is best known by millions of people as author of Lord of the Rings 他是个多产的作家,不过最为人熟知的还是作为《指环王》的作者。
- A fluent and prolific writer,especially one who writes professionally. 语言艺术家流利而多产的作家,尤指专业写作的人
- A fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes professionally. 语言艺术家流利而多产的作家,尤指专业写作的人
- Staudinger was a prolific writer and the following books by him have been published: Die Ketene (Ketenes), published by Enke, Stuttgart, 1912; 1907年,以他在实验中发现的高活性烯酮为题完成了博士论文,获得了博士学位。